12 Ways to Enrich Your Prayer Meeting

12 Ways to Enrich Your Prayer Meeting
World Network of Prayer


If you’re currently leading a prayer group or if you’re thinking of forming one, these ideas will enrich your time together with the Lord.

1. Focus your prayer time on God. Include worship, praise, and thanksgiving through song, Scripture, testimonies of praise, and praise videos or audiotapes.

2. Include a time of silent, personal confession. (Psalm 66:18)

3. Stimulate prayer through short, appropriate devotional messages (live or taped).

4. Keep sharing of requests brief so most of the time is spent actually praying.

5. Ensure a balance of personal requests (supplication) and requests for others (intercession).

6. Talk to God in conversational language. Avoid making a prayer speech or preaching during your prayer.

7. Pray as often as you wish, but avoid monopolizing the time. When experienced pray-ers keep their prayers short and simple, the inexperienced pray-er is not intimidated.

8. Prevent predictability by changing the format of the meetings. Use various themes: attributes of God, Scripture, characteristics of prayers etc. Have different people plan and direct the meeting.

9. Throughout each meeting, ensure adequate changes in position (sit, stand, kneel, join hands in a circle) and groupings (partners, triplets, one person praying while all agree).

10. During your time, write a note or card from the group telling someone you spent time bringing them before the Lord. As you pray together for leaders, take time periodically to write, saying you are praying for them.

11. Try new locations for your gathering, but do it discreetly. Pray in a park or in cars at or near the site of a local concern. Take a prayer walk, enjoying God and His creation as you pray.

12. Let God fill your heart and mind and trust Him for other creative ideas!

This article “12 Ways to Enrich Your Prayer Meeting” by World Network of Prayer was excerpted from: www.wnop.org web site (World Network of Prayer) May 2008. It may be used for study & research purposes only.