5 Encouraging Tips for Christians Working in Promotions Ministry

5 Encouraging Tips for Christians Working in Promotions Ministry
Rebekah Yoder


When it comes to the media, it’s a give and take. There are so many opportunities, but there are also many downfalls when it comes to this industry. Communication with others has gotten easier and easier with the media. But the industry can take its toll, especially on a Christian. Christians in media can often feel like they can’t share their views, feel ignored or even be labeled or called by negative connotations. It doesn’t seem fair, but you’re in this industry for a reason, professional or otherwise. Here are some tips to hopefully make your career in media a little easier.

1. Don’t listen to the haters
People are always going to try to bring you down. Whether they agree with you or not, you will be questioned and told that you are wrong. It won’t matter what you actually believe or say, people are always going to disagree with you. Don’t listen to these kinds of people. If you’re doing what God is telling you, then you’re on the track. God’s opinion is the only opinion that will ever matter.

2. Be informed
In every way, shape and form just be informed. Read constantly and take in all kinds of information. Watch the news, local and otherwise. The more information you can take in can influence how you communicate with the world. If you are writing about a certain topic, you do your research. But why stop there? Strike up a conversation with your coworkers and get their opinions and views on different subjects. God teaches us to be in the world, so be in the world. Learn and listen to everything so you can properly communicate with others.

3. Listen to God
This is probably the oldest advice there ever was. But it’s true. Do you know what you’re doing? Do you know where you’re going? No? Well, God does! That may not seem like the most comforting thing, but it should be. If you harbor yourself in God and keep your ears open, you’ll go the right way. That’s not to say that you won’t make any mistakes, because you will. God can speak to you through mistakes. Make every experience a learning experience. Even if you don’t know where you’re going in life, which we often have no clue, it doesn’t mean that there is no plan. Just keep those media-inclined ears open.

4. Don’t argue
This is simple, and shouldn’t have to be said. Often we get so passionate about a topic that when someone disagrees with our opinion we feel the need to tell them why they are wrong. It is one thing to tell them respectfully that some of their information may be wrong. Be respectful. Even in your writing. This does not mean that you have to be 100 percent politically correct and tolerant. Be controversial, ask lots of questions, but do not argue. Arguing with others about beliefs and views, especially about politics and religion, gets you absolutely nowhere. It’s not even worth it.

5. Write with heart
Writing with heart as a Christian in media is the most important thing that you must do on the job. If you are not writing from the heart, why are you there? It doesn’t matter if it’s a social media post, a blog or an article for a newspaper. If you are not writing from your heart your readers will be able to tell. When a person writes from the heart, emotion radiates off the page. Whether you believe in what you are writing about or not, you should still try your best and write with your heart.

As Christians in media, our number one goal should be sharing the love of Christ. We may not be able to directly share the gospel on our media platform, but when you live out a Christ-like life He shines through you. People see something different about you. Someone might even ask what’s so different about you. Merely living like Jesus tells us to and listening to Him works in ways that we cannot even imagine. When we forget the negative comments, don’t attempt to argue and become informed on all media platforms, we are able to produce quality work that glorifies God. When we listen to God and write from the heart, everything falls into place. God placed you in the media for a reason. You may not know the reason yet, and you may never know. But you’re there, you’re qualified and you’re equipped.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” (Col. 3:23)

Rebekah Yoder attends Liberty University. You can find her online here, or connect with her on Twitter or Instagram at @rebekah_yoder.


The above article, “5 Encouraging Tips for Christians Working in Promotions Ministry” was written by Rebekah Yoder. The article was excerpted from christianmediamagazine.com

The material is copyrighted and should not be reprinted under any other name or author. However, this material may be freely used for personal study or research purposes.

This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”