A Pastor and The Pastor’s Wife


There are shepherds whose only concern
Is the place the sheep have to meet.
They plan and they build;
They toil with a will.
Then they feel their work is complete

Then there are those who feel they’re obliged;
To dress in the latest in town.
They want you to judge
By the clothes they wear;
Their flock is the most affluent around.

There are pastors who think that the office they hold
Makes them immune to the rules of the rest.
And, the money that’s raised,
Is theirs to demand.
On responsibility they just fail the test.

And then, there are those who answered a call,
By the one who rules all of earth.
They put His work first,
Their task never shirk,
And the flock is the proof of their worth!

He is the one when his preaching is done
And he stands in the darkness alone,
The last hand has been clasped
And the goodbyes have been said;
He takes his tired body home.

When he lays his weary head on the pillow
And he closes his eyes to rest,
Pillowed beside his head
His burden he’s carried to bed,
And tomorrow will present a new test.

We are the flock of last mention here,
And the proof of his diligent care.
The cause of his fears.
Anxiety, stress and tears;
But, his joy when heaven we share!


The pastor’s the one who shepherds the flock.
The Bible he carefully teaches.
He tries to enhance the health of the sheep.
He hopes it’s their needs that he reaches.

But the thing that determines the tone of the flock,
Is the woman he chooses and marries.
To judge if his convictions are as solid as rock.
Take a look at the burden she carries.

Take a look at the way she combs her hair.
See her sleeves and the length of her hem.
It’s hard to believe, but we must be fair;
If she does it, it’s alright for them!

The epitome of decorum she always must be,
In housekeeping and cooking too.
For folks just surmise and choose only to see
If she does it, then, he does too!

Considering all the wives I have known
Who struggled with the saints opinions,
There’s an extra reward in their heavenly home
For the size of the burden that’s in them.

If the pastor has a wife that’s honest and true,
Then he has found a treasure most fair.
She will enhance the work he must do,
And the church will be blessed by her care.

God has smiled greatly on his people here.
And sent us a treasure. No, two.
For the pastor and his wife God’s given us,
Is a gift God bestows on a few.