A Seven Day Guide to Pray For Missionaries

A Seven Day Guide to Pray For Missionaries
Jay Rostorfer


Pray for the missionaries’ spiritual walk with the Lord, their growth in grace, and anointing upon their lives and ministries.


Pray for the missionaries’ personal lives, health, safety, emotional stability and well-being.


Pray for the family units of our missionaries: the husband-wife relationships, the missionary children, and the extended family from whom they are separated. Pray that as a family unit and individually they will be able to fulfill God’s will for their lives.


Pray for the missionaries in their facility with the foreign language, in adapting to a new culture, and in communicating the gospel by the example they set.


Pray for the missionaries’ ministries: their teaching, preaching, witnessing, and fruitfulness. Pray for open doors through which they may better share Christ.


Pray for the missionaries’ relationship with other missionaries, with local church leaders, and with Christians and unbelievers.


Pray for the missionaries’ country of service that there might be stability and freedom to worship. Pray that they will be able to live and minister with a minimum of concern and hardship

This article “A Seven Day Guide to Pray for Missionaries” by Jay Rostorfer was excerpted from: World Network of Prayer resource materials. www.wnop.org July 2009. It may be used for study & research purposes only.