A Three Legged Stool, Part 2



Mark North looked up from his notes and carefully studied the twelve people seated around the fellowship hall table. “Any questions or comments before I dismiss,” He asked?  A hand shot up from Carl, his youth leader. “Yeah, just one,” he said. “Whoever brings the snacks next time, make it cheesecake!” They all chuckled.

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By Tim Massengale

Mark North looked up from his notes and carefully studied the twelve people seated around the fellowship hall table. “Any questions or comments before I dismiss,” He asked?

A hand shot up from Carl, his youth leader.  “Yeah, just one,” he said.  “Whoever brings the snacks next time, make it cheesecake!”  They all chuckled.

After asking Bro. Vernon Baker, a neighboring pastor who was helping Mark reorganize his church ministry structure, to dismiss in prayer, the meeting broke up and Mark led Bro. Baker back to his office.  Mark sat behind his desk in his well worn office chair and motioned Bro. Baker to the sofa.

Ministry Team Challenges

“Thanks for coming tonight,” Mark said.  “I felt that the group needed a little encouragement.  I appreciate what you had to say.”

“Glad to help,” Bro. Baker replied. “I’m impressed with the enthusiasm of your ministry team.  But if you don’t mind my asking, exactly who does what?”

Mark groaned.  “I’m sorry; I should have introduced everyone when we first started the meeting.  Going around the table, on your left was Sis. Diane Cooley, our Sunday School director.  She’s been over the Sunday school for several years and is doing a fine job.  She also teaches our Junior High class.  Next to her was Dean Foster. You remember him – tall, with glasses?  He’s my Home Bible Study director.  He’s new but very capable. He has won several people to the Lord this past year with Bible studies.  Sitting by him was his wife, Sis. Gayle.  She assists me with Visitor Follow-up.  Right now she’s more of a follow-up secretary than a department leader.  She helps me by sending out letters, making phone calls, and keeping the visitor database updated.  Beside her was Dave Vanslyke.  He was the older gentleman with white hair.  He’s my Outreach director.  He has a real burden for souls but struggles to get others to join him in door knocking and other outreach efforts.  Beside him was Micky Morris.  He’s only fifteen but is really good with computers. I use him for Promotions.  He design flyers and brochures and such because he’s a whiz with the Photoshop program.  At the far end were Tom and Melinda Fisk.  Great couple. They oversee Bus Ministry.  Beside them was Sis. Lois Schaeffer – the white haired lady – she oversees our Prayer and Missions Ministry.  Beside her was Carl Boyer, my Youth leader.  You know him.  Beside him was Dee Oletta.  She is helping with Music.  She is basically a secretary assisting me in this area.  She plays our keyboard but feels she’s not qualified to be Music Director. She helps me select special singers, schedules the praise singers, and directs the children’s choir. (My wife is still directing the adult choir.)  After that was Sis. Lettie Parker.  I’m training her to oversee New Convert Care.  Then last was my wife, who is the Ladies Auxiliary director.

Bro. Baker sat listening, nodding as he recalled each person mentioned.  “And didn’t you say one was missing; had to work or something?”

“That’s right.  Don Westing is my Men’s Ministry leader.  He also oversees our Ushers.  He normally is here but had to work tonight.”

Elder Baker continued nodding.  “You have a great team there.  I’m impressed. I especially like your idea of using secretaries in areas where you don’t have qualified ministry leaders.”

“Thanks, Elder,” Mark said.  “That means a lot to me coming from you.  Not all are what I would consider great leadership material.  But they are loyal to a fault and solid in their walk with God.  You said that was most important. And remember, you also suggested the secretary idea.  You said it was important to at least discuss each ministry at the monthly council. Appointing a secretary to sit on the council helps us do that.”

“Exactly.  I think your ministry team is coming along beautifully.”

“Well, I wouldn’t have this group if it wasn’t for your three legged stool.”  Mark reached over and picked up the half-completed woodworking project from the corner of his desk.  He passed his finger over the single word carved into the only leg that the stool had.  “ORGANIZATON” he said aloud.  “Now that I have this team selected, I don’t know how I did without them.  In truth, Elder, they keep me motivated.”

“Good.  That’s one of the benefits of working with a team.  You inspire each other.”

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