Answering the Call

We live in a self-gratification-oriented culture. If it feels good, do it! Yet, Jesus, by His own example, calls us to a very different kind of life. As leaders we must become sensitive to the needs of others. If you are self-centered, always trying to figure out how everything is going to benefit you, then you will not make a good minister or even a good leader for that matter.

By James Holland, Sr.

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The church of the twenty-first century is in desperate need of Apostolic Ministry. That is what the following pages are all about. It will take Biblical-based leadership principles to bring this about. If you are one of the men or women whom God has destined to be part of the greatest harvest that has ever been gathered for His Kingdom, then I encourage you to read on. It would seem reasonable to think that if this is truly the last times of which the Bible speaks, then certainly God is going to empower His people to complete the tasks for which He has called us.


When I refer to ministry, I am also referring to leadership positions as well. We all who are part of the Household of Faith are called to minister at some level in the Kingdom. See Acts 1:8.


Let’s talk about the power of leadership. If you are feeling a calling to the ministry or to a leadership role, you must first of all recognize that there is a calling upon your life. Then you must begin to pursue that calling. Recognize that the way you grow is through a very practical plan God will use to get you where He wants you. God will use teaching, prayer, mentoring and providing spiritual direction. He will also send people along the way to help you grow. This is how you develop – one step at a time. It’s a walk – not a leap, nor a run, but a walk of faith! Many, no doubt, will never develop into a strong leader because they will never step out to begin or they will become discouraged along the way and quit. Many become discouraged because they want it immediately! Strong spiritual development doesn’t happen automatically; it is developed! It’s like a seed that has been planted. For that seed to germinate and grow, it has to be watered and cared for, and, only then, will it be able to grow as it should.


“For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life for a ransom for many.” -Mark 10:45


If you want to develop what you believe God has placed within you, you must know that if leadership and ministry could be summed up in one word, it would be Service. If you always have to have recognition, if you have to always be encouraged to keep going and doing a good job, you probably are not going to do well in ministry and leadership.


If you are one of the many in our world today who always has to be center stage, in the limelight, then you probably are going to get very discouraged early on in real ministry or leadership. Real ministry means service to God and to others.


Someone once said, “you know you have a servant’s heart by how you respond when someone treats you like a servant.”

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