Numbers 27:19: “And he set him before … all the congregation and gave him a charge in their sight…” God calls each of us to engage in active ministry. Growing churches will challenge their members to become actively involved in ministry and then make every effort to get everyone involved somewhere, doing something.
To this end, consider taking the time to train people to minister in a particular aspect of ministry, and then, once the training is completed, bring them before the congregation and commission them into the harvest field. Who might benefit from a Sunday morning commissioning ceremony?
Sunday School Teachers. Hold a Saturday training seminar for all your current Sunday school teachers as well as those who would like to become involved in the Sunday School ministry. Place an emphasis on the importance of evangelizing your Sunday School class by visiting the homes, talking to each student that has yet to receive the Holy Ghost, reaching out to the unsaved parents of class members, having occasional altar calls after the Sunday school lesson, encouraging students to bring guests, and more evangelistically oriented activities. Then, all who complete the training are commissioned to use what they have learned to see students saved during the coming months.
Home Bible Study Teachers. A Saturday workshop on how to teach a home Bible study (HBS) should be offered at least once a year, if not more. But people are reluctant to teach them when they don’t know how. People also struggle with how to get home Bible studies. A 3-5 hour workshop can teach them how easy and successful the HBS ministry can be and also how to talk to people to get studies. Every HBS teacher that completes the training should be commissioned to go forth and teach and win souls.
Constant Contact Consciousness (CCC). The CCC ministry has been highly successful in encouraging people to witness and invite people to church. Those involved in the CCC ministry commit to being constantly conscious of the need to contact people for Christ. Churches that have a strong CCC ministry have more visitors and Bible studies than ever. Take a Saturday and train the CCC team in the art of soul-winning and how CCC works.
Many more: youth workers, visitor follow-up workers, door knockers, bus workers, and prayer warriors. Train and publicly commission. It will revolutionize your church.