Assistant Youth Pastor

Assistant Youth Pastor
Britton Ouellette

Job Purpose

Your purpose is to minister to the young people of New Life Assembly through social interaction and example as well as through preaching and teaching. You will be assisting the Youth Director by helping him plan fund raising ideas, social activities, youth services, and evangelism. Your assistance will not only give you the opportunity to minister to the young people directly, but indirectly the young people will benefit from the Youth Pastor’s ability to focus on direct ministry to them. Together, you will both work on accomplishing the central mission of the Youth Department – to grow the young people spiritually so that they can be stable Christians or even leaders for tomorrow.

Job Qualifications

1. Must be filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. Must be loyal to the Pastor.

3. Must be loyal to the Youth Pastor.

4. Must meet the qualifications for church membership.

5. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.

6. Must carry a burden for youth ministry.

7. Must be faithful in attendance to Youth Services.

8. Must be faithful in attendance to Youth Staff meetings.

9. Must be excited and vibrant about youth ministry within the church and able to motivate the young people.

10. Must have a knowledge of the operations of the Youth Department and ability to work under these operations.

Job Responsibilities
* Shall oversee the Youth Department under the direction of the Pastor and the Youth Pastor.

* Shall assist the Youth Pastor in the following areas:
a.Planning Youth Services on a Quarterly Plan -Planning Social Activities
b.Planning Fund-Raisers -Planning and Organizing Evangelism Efforts
c.Counseling Young People (Only on Appropriate Issues as Outline in the Youth Manual)

* Shall attend biweekly meetings with the Youth Pastor.

* Shall strive to meet goals set for the Youth Department.

* Shall develop a Leadership Training program for Young Leaders.

* Shall fill in for the Youth Pastor’s occasional absence.

* Shall inform the Youth Pastor of any upcoming absences in advance.

* Shall work with the Youth Pastor to organize the annual Youth Retreat.

* Shall motivate young people by good character and conduct.

* Shall teach during the annual “What in the Word Do You Believer’ doctrinal youth classes.

* Shall promote Sheaves for Christ participation by the Youth Department.

* Shall assist the Youth Pastor in transporting the Youth Group to District and Sectional Youth Events, such as Youth Camp, Youth Rallies, Social Events, etc..

* Shall attend ALL youth trips, and be a chaperone, unless extending circumstances warrant your absence from them.

* Shall be in charge of youth publications such as…
a. Monthly Youth Newsletter
b. Monthly Youth Calendars
c. Flyers for upcoming youth events

* Shall assist the Youth Pastor in the Bible Quizzing ministry.

* Shall work for the annual Back to School Jam evangelism outreach.

* Shall assist the Youth Pastor in appointing an empty seat on the Youth Staff.

* Shall also be required to attend College and Career Department outings or events, unless it would conflict with Youth activities.

* Shall consider suggestions and ideas posed from the Youth Staff.

* Shall inform the Pastor and parents of any emergency problems with a young person in a discreet and responsible manner.

NOTE: The Assistant Youth Pastor is not in position to tell either the Pastor or Youth Pastor what he is doing wrong or should be doing. It is his responsibility in assisting the Youth Pastor in achieving the task of the Youth Department and merely offering suggestions or ideas for improvement.
Other Duties

* Monday night is Church Family Night, and is devoted specifically for the church families to spend time together. Therefore, youth activities cannot be planned on this night.

* Shall be a faithful example to the young people by attending all church services and events.

* Shall pray for young people at the altars during altar call after service.

* Shall be an example to young people in evangelism by bringing people to church and working with the Outreach Department of New Life Assembly.

* Shall assist the Youth Pastor in writing an official monthly report to be handed in at the Monthly Church Staff Council.

* Shall be faithful in attending the Monthly Church Staff Council.

* Shall be an example to the young people in devotion by coming at least one half-hour before service for Youth Prayer.

* Shall perform any additional duties as required.

Organization Relationships

The Assistant Youth Pastor is responsible to both the Pastor and the Youth Pastor. He is responsible for assisting the Youth Pastor of New Life Assembly for reaching spiritual growth in the young people and numerical growth in the size of the Youth Department. The Job Description for the Assistant Youth Pastor will be updated every year at the Annual Church Leadership Retreat. Along with the Youth Pastor, the Assistant Youth Pastor will be held accountable to the Pastor by a 90-day review of the Job Description and the performance of the Youth Department at achieving the task. The Assistant Youth Pastor will work with all other departments, but significantly with the Outreach Department. This position is appointed for a one-year term.

Training and Development

1. Let My People Grow by T. W. Massengale

2. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

3. Working With Young People by Lloyd J. Russel

4. Called to Teach by William R.Yount

5. Leadership Fundamentals by Joseph Knalling

6. Connecting With Your Youth Group by Tim Meadows

* Read books assigned by Pastor

* Attend the UPC National Youth Workers Convention if possible

Job Goals for the Year of 2005

* Form a Leadership Training Program for young leaders in the Youth Group.

* See a stronger consistency in young people’s attendance to Youth Service.

* See a growth in the number of young people by at least 10%.

* See the Bible Quizzing team win District Finals.

* See a record attendance at the Back to School Jam evangelism effort.

The above material was published by Apostolic Information Service. This material may be copyrighted and should be used for study and research purposes only.