Building Boundaries

When someone is trying to come away from any sin, he must set guidelines and boundaries in his life. The enemy hides behind simple mistakes, and will test the hedges and boundaries around this person, to see if there is a hole or weakness in it. Just like countries are aware of the need for boundaries, and install lines way beyond what is required to mark their territories, we should draw lines that will protect our souls. Life is not about what we can get by with, but about what we can do to make sure our soul is kept safe.

By Pam Vaughn

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Boundary- Forming a barrier or hedge. “A means of protection against something or someone. Something that marks a limit.” (Webster’s Dictionary.)

Ecclesiastes 10:8 He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh a hedge, a serpent shall bite him.

In 1995 I went to Israel with a tour group led by Rev. Lee Stoneking. During that trip, we toured the Golan Heights. As we reached this place bordering Lebanon and Syria, I noticed fences that marked the boundaries of the three countries. I thought- What a difference a hedge makes. The path that we were traveling seemed to be the only clear place to walk. On either side of the path was a Jot of thick grass mixed with briers and weeds. The instructions were clear, “STAY ON THE PATH.”

On the side bordering Lebanon I noticed a fence several feet away from where I stood. On the fence, a sign was erected that read, “Mine Fields.” Beyond the fence, the mine fields extended out several feet. Finally another fence marking the beginning of the country of Lebanon stood in place. I thought to myself- They want to make sure no one will enter their territory without an invitation. We can learn much from their example.

There was a lot of preparation and planning by these countries to ensure that an enemy would not violate their space. Marked boundaries are vital to survival, not only for countries of the world, but also for each individual’s life.

According to the Scriptures, there are different types of hedges or boundaries around a person’s life. Some are in place because God put them there. Some are in place because we put them there, and some are in place because the enemy erected them in an effort to keep us bound and away from the presence of God.

Satan was aware of the hedge that God had placed around Job, and everything that he owned, including his family:

Job 1:10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that  he hath on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

Lamentations 3:6-7 The enemy hath set me in dark places. He hath hedged me about that I cannot get out: he hath made my chains heavy.

When we are trying to help someone who is coming out of homosexuality or any other type of sinful lifestyle, it is imperative that we make sure that they understand the principle of a hedge or a boundary. The Bible refers to a hedge as something used to create a safety area, to protect a person from the enemy’s attack or influence.

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