Building Bridges of Friendship

Building Bridges of Friendship
By Roger Hammond

One of the questions I am often asked is, ‘How do I get a Bible study to teach?’ The best and easiest way is by simply being aware that all around you are lost souls. Therefore, think of the people who cross the paths of your life regularly. Which of them would benefit from a home Bible study? Pray about the possibilities.

If you find that your sphere of contacts is limited, consider some of the following suggestions:
– Make an effort to visit with neighbors while riding in the elevator (apartment building) or working in the yard
– Welcome new neighbors with a simple meal, muffins, or brownies with your name and telephone number
– Join a sports team or take a fitness class to enlarge your circle of acquaintances
– Coach a sport or teach a class for the Park District or Community Center
– Have a “Game Night” with refreshments (for newcomers, neighbors, or others)
– Volunteer at your child’s school and build relationships there
– Teach someone how to read (ESL or literacy program)
– Volunteer at a Food Pantry, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Food Coop, Recycling Center, Community Pregnancy Center, Nursing Home, Prison, etc.
– Join a book discussion club
– Invite several friends or neighbors in to work on a hobby or an interest you share, such as compiling scrapbooks, woodworking, sharing recipes’
Remember: Even the most “Christlike” Christians on the planet will be totally ineffective unless they get near people who are living far from God.