Church Signs Made Easy

Church Signs Made Easy
By Brad Abare

Now you can generate your own staple of americana with the online Church Sign Generator. The site even offers photos of the real thing with such witty, crowd-drawing sayings as “Do You Smell Like Jesus?” and “Stop Drop and Roll Doesn’t Work in Hell.”

What’s up with the sometimes clever, sometimes copycat, usually groan-enducing slogans of Christian T-shirts, bumper stickers and church signs? If it’s annoying in the commercial world, it might not be a good idea for the church either (telemarketers for Jesus, anyone?). Short, witty phrases may be the bread and butter of the advertising world, but they’re also trite and limiting. No form of marketing can effectively deliver the Gospel, but what kind of a glimpse of God should we offer on our church signs? Or bumper stickers, T-shirts, postcards, newspaper ads, etc. ? (link via Nick Ciske)

I love well-written pieces. The article by Michael V. Copeland, in the July issue of Business 2.0 titled “Best Buy’s Selling Machine,” is one of the best company write-ups I’ve read in a while. From start to finish I couldn’t put it down. Even the ending had my hopes escalating toward a conclusion that left me smiling.

The whole point of the article was about how Best Buy uses “Blue Shirts” to sell (and up-sell) their electronics, computers, and appliances. These “Blue Shirts” are the men and women who come to work everyday motivated to be the best: in their city, district, and country. Of course, “best” is measured by sales, but surprisingly, none of the “Blue Shirts” are on commission like much of the competition is. That’s right, no increased paycheck because they sold you a better video camera. Although Best Buy does use other incentives (food coupons for local restaurants, discounts for company stock, etc.), the reality is that these kids, and most of them are, sell because of something running through their blood. They believe in what they’re doing. They enjoy teamwork. They view other Best Buy stores as competition. Everyone else is the enemy. Wow, people motivated by something other than just money?

Perhaps the highlight of the article was Best Buy’s formula for success. They have training manuals for nearly everything, including how to respond to every situation, objection or opportunity that could happen in a typical day. The sales mantra that “Blue Shirts” live by is called C.A.R.E. Plus:

Contact (approach the customer)
Ask (engage the customer)
Recommend (suggest solutions or better alternatives)
Encourage (stroke the customer’s ego)

How could you apply this philosophy to your church? Could your greeting team actually have a “CARE” plan when new visitors encounter your church?


This article “Church Signs Made Easy” by Brad Abare is excerpted from web site 2008.