Effective Ministry

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33


By James Holland

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Becoming effective is of the utmost importance in any leader­ship role. We must remember we are not simply here to pro­vide information; we are here to see transformation! Our proper attitude toward God, ourselves, others, and prayer will have a dramatic impact upon our effectiveness.


Here are five building blocks that will help us be effective. First of all, it goes without saying, we need knowledge of the Word. So study! Then you need to ask yourself these two questions:

(1) What do the people already know? And (2) what do they need to know?


Secondly, we, as leaders, need perspective. Perspective is un­derstanding something because you can see it from a larger frame of reference. We need to see the Big Picture, not just what is going on in our little corner of the world. From the spiritual viewpoint, perspective is the ability to see life from God’s point of view. Perspective produces understanding, wisdom, and discernment in our lives. Perspective will cause us to love God even more.


The third building block is conviction. Our convictions produce our values, commitments, and motivations. Convictions help us be diligent in our continual spiritual growth.


The fourth building block is skill. A skill is the ability to do something with ease and accuracy. We develop skills not by listening to someone talk about them, but by experience and practice. As leaders, we need Bible Study skills, people skills, prayer skills, relational skills, time management skills, and many, many others. Skills help us do a good job. In James 1:22, James declares that we are to be “doers of the word, not hearers only.” If we want to be effective leaders and produce effective leaders, then we must train and teach people necessary for Godly living and Christian leadership.


Fifth building block is character. We are to have Christ like characteristics. Our character is built in the circumstances of life and how we respond to them. God is much more concerned with our character than our comfort! He wants to use us, not pamper us.


What is Ministry?

Distinguish the difference between preaching and ministering. To preach means to simply declare, proclaim, and inform oth­ers about a certain situation. You can actually do this without a burden or a vision. The information you are presenting may be true and good, yet, not actually bringing deliverance to any­one. It seems that we have a lot of “shotgun” preaching and teaching in the Christian community. “Shotgun” preaching and teaching is this – we just throw a lot of good stuff out and hope it hits someone! What we need in order to he effective is preach­ing and teaching with an objective and purpose in mind.


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