Expectations of a Leader

Rufus Parker

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o             Demonstrate Technical Competence

o             Teach Subordinates

o             Be a Good Listener

o             Treat People with Dignity and Respect

o             Stress and Enforce the Basics

o             Set the Example

o             Set and Enforce Standards



Developing the Man in the Mirror


As a leader, you must learn to fulfill both the expectations of those you lead and of other leaders. Expectations are what people think that you should be, know, and do. Earlier, I stated that the creed of a Noncommissioned Officer provided me with what I must be, know, and do as a leader. As you review these expectations, ask yourself: ‘Am I fulfilling the expectations required of me?”




Know your business. Again, the apostle Paul stated, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15). The people under you expect you to be competent. As a leader, competency is my watchword.

A competent person understands his job and what is expected of him. He strives to improve in every area of his life. He studies history and what has affected the course of this world. He keeps abreast of current events. He tries to master areas that will help him to be an effective leader and to accomplish his mission. People want to follow people who are confident in their own abilities. The military taught me that there are nine competencies that provide the framework for leadership development and assessment.


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