Five Steps to Getting a Home Bible Study



Beginning a relationship with Christ is the most important thing a person can do, and you can help them by witnessing to them and teaching them a home Bible study (HBS). But how do you increase your witness for Christ and set up more HBS’s?


These are 5 things you can start doing today.


1.      Be Filled with the Holy Spirit


It is important to be in a right relationship with God as you talk to others about how they can know God. So that means staying prayed up and confessing all sin. Practice allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you, speak to you, direct your steps and words.


2.      Pray for Opportunities


Each day, as you pray, ask the Lord to open doors and lead you to people to witness to and to ask for a HBS.  Then make a commitment to talk to at least one person a day about God.  I don’t always find that person, but I do try.  When I feel the Spirit urge me to speak with someone, I ask for holy boldness and speak whatever God tells me to say.  Often I complement them about something, get to talking with them, then ask a simple question about God.  The easiest way I have found is to simply ask “where do you go to church?”  If they attend church, ask them about the church and its pastor and their worship and beliefs.  People like talking about their church and it allows me the opportunity to talk about mine.  This easily opens door to talk about their relationship with God, how much they know about the Bible and if they would be interested in studying the Bible more.


If they do not attend church, invite them to yours.  Give them a church card.  Ask them if they have read the Bible much and have they ever wanted to know what the Bible says about life and eternity.  Then, simply ask, “Have you ever heard of a home Bible study?  Then tell the about how the HBS works and ask, “would you be interested?”  Sell it a bit, how it begins in Genesis and goes all the way to Revelation.  How it makes the Bible come alive and provide an opportunity to ask questions.  Ask them.  You will be surprised how many will say ‘yes!’  Then set up the day and time to begin.


3.      Be Authentic


People don’t care about how much you know they want to know that you care for them. Don’t put on a front, but instead maintain a humble attitude. The Apostle Paul writes to the Christians in Philippi and expresses his care and concern for them: “For God is my witness, how I long for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:8).


4.      Ask Questions


As you talk to people about Jesus, don’t do a stand-up monologue. Engage in a conversation, but at the same time, keep the focus on the message of the gospel. Jesus taught by asking questions. Phillip asked the Ethiopian eunuch if he understood what he was reading. Doug Pollack’s book, God Space offers a list of 99 wondering questions to choose from to help you can connect with others.  Ask questions.  Begin with what they are interested in, then transition to more spiritual topics.


5.      Always Ask People for a Response


Find a HBS that you are comfortable with.  It can be the longer 10-12 lesson studies like Search for Truth or Exploring God’s Word, or it can be the simpler one lesson studies like A Place Prepared for You or The New Birth or The Pentecostal Experience.  There are dozens to select from.  Become familiar with it so you can describe how great it is.  Then ask if you can teach it to them.  Just ask!  Tell them you would love to teach them a HBS and you will never pressure them to join a church or become a Christian.  That is their decision.  But everyone should have the opportunity to know what the Bible says about God’s plan of salvation.


Acts 2:37-38 says, “Now when the people heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’ Peter said to them, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’”


Ask if they know what this means and would they like to know more about what the Apostle Peter taught.  Ask them what THEY think it means.  Don’t be judgmental.  Just accept what they say and tell them there is so much more.  You can get dozens of home Bible studies by just talking to people you meet as you go about your daily life.  Once you get over your fear and shyness, it becomes second nature, and God will lead you every day to people who are hungry for truth.  You can do it!



The above article, “Five Steps to Getting A Home Bible Study” was written by Carl Deets. The article was excerpted from Evangelist Carl Deets.  Atlanta, GA.  Used by permission..


The material is copyrighted and should not be reprinted under any other name or author. However, this material may be freely used for personal study or research purposes.


This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”