Free Oil Changes for Single Moms
Outreach Magazine Editors
South Baptist Church in Flint, Mich., wanted to reach out to unchurched single moms in its community in a unique way. So the church asked members of its congregation to volunteer their mechanical expertise, tools, and time for a free, two-day Car Care Clinic. The team of 14 volunteers helped almost 50 women. O?ering oil changes, vehicle inspections, and other basic maintenance, the clinic simply focused on serving instead of actively promoting church ministries. “We believe that by offering this service to women in our community when they are at a point of need in their lives, they will turn to our church because we have been there for them in the past,” said Associate Pastor Bob Pellish. Your church can host a similar clinic for a cost-conscious outreach.
* Invite. Make a simple invitation and include an RSVP phone number to ensure that you have enough people coming and the right supplies.
* Advertise. Ask your congregation to give invitations to all the unchurched single moms they know in the community.
* Enlist. Recruit a team of volunteers who enjoy working on cars and ask them to donate their time, tools, and expertise to the event.
* Schedule. Ask a volunteer to set up a calendar and schedule appointments according to the size of your team.
* Plan. Host a planning meeting with your mechanics team to ensure you have all the necessary tools and supplies.
* Supply. Take donations from members to cover the cost of filters, oil, and other fluids. Develop a relationship with a local auto supply store that may be willing to provide a discount on filters or to help you with the disposal of used oil.
Greet. Have several women greeters available to speak with the moms and o?er them home-baked refreshments while they wait.
The above article, “Free Oil Changes For Single Moms,” is written by the Outreach magazine editors. The article was taken from part of the “Keep the Change, Outreach on a Shoestring,” which was published by Outreach magazine in 2006.
The material is most likely copyrighted and should not be reprinted under any other name or author. However, this material may be freely used for personal study and research purposes.