Good Night Or Good-Bye
By Domonic Forrell
Dr. Langdale of New York tells of a devoted business man who was struck by an automobile and hurried to a hospital. Doctors informed him that he had about two hours to live.
His faith was implicit in the goodness of God in this life and in a future life in Heaven. To him death was only a gateway leading to the presence of God and to his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
His family was hurriedly called to his bedside, and as he embraced each one he had a parting word.
“Beloved,” he said to his wife, “you have been the dearest woman in the world to me. Through sunshine and shadow we have walked together. You have been my inspiration in all that I have undertaken. And many times I have seen the Spirit of God shining in your face. Good night, my dear, I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”
“Mary, you are our first born. What a joy you have been to your father. I see in you the sweet and beautiful young woman who left her home to be the builder and keeper of mine. And what a fine Christian you are. Good night, Mary dear, good night. ‘”
He then turned to the oldest son. “Will, your coming into our home has been an un-mixed blessing. You were a manly boy; you have become an exemplary man. You love and seek to serve the God of your father. Continue to grow in every Christian grace and virtue. Good night, Will, good night.””
Charlie was next. Charlie had fallen under evil influences and had grievously disappointed his father and mother. But the dying man skipped him and spoke to the youngest child.
“‘Gracie, your coming was like the breaking of a new day in our home. You have filled our hearts with music. When not long ago you surrendered your soul to Christ, our joy was full to overflowing. Good night, little girl, good night.”
He then called Charlie to his side. “Charlie, you were a promising boy. but I believe that you know that you have disappointed your father and mother. You have followed the broad and downward road. You have not hearkened to the call of the Saviour. But I love you, Charlie…God only knows how much I love you. Good-bye, Charlie Good-bye. Good-bye.”
Charlie seized his father’s hand and between sobs he cried out: “Father, why have you said good night to the others and good-bye to me?””
“Son, I will meet the others of the family on the morning because of the promises in the Word of God that assure us of a reunion. But by those same statements of God’s Word, I have no hope of seeing you over there. It is good-bye, Charlie.”
Charlie fell on his knees by the bedside. He cried out in agony of his soul, praying that God would forgive his sins and make him a new man in Christ.
“Do you mean it, Charlie? Are you sincere, Charlie?”
“God knows that I am,” said the brokenhearted young man between sobs.
“Then God will hear you and save you and it will not be good-bye. So good night, my son, good night,” And in a moment’s time, the father was gone. Today Charlie is a preacher of the Gospel,
Oh, members of home circles, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, loved ones … when the shadow falls and you go to sleep” will it be to those who love you just a short “good night~ or “good-bye” forever?
“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God,” John 3:3
“Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved,” Rom. 10:13
This article “Good Night Or Good-Bye” by Domonic Forrell is excerpted from Christian Service Center, PO Box 308, Rantoul, Illinois.