Guest Registration Form

Tim Massengale

How To Use This Form

1. Hostess greets all guests, gives them a guest packet & introduces them to usher for seating.
2. After guest is seated, hostess takes form (clipped to a clipboard) to where guest is sitting.
3. Hostess says: “So glad you are with us Mr. & Mrs. Smith. The pastor has asked that I get a little information from you so he can greet you properly. Can I get your first names? Children? Home Church?
4. The hostess fills form out, asking guest each question.
5. If service has already begun, greet guest, fill-out form in vestibule, then introduce to usher for seating.

Name Mr/Mrs/Miss_________________________________Date_____________am/pm

Children’s Names________________________________________________________

Home Church_______________________________Guest of______________________

Age Group 0-16 17-25 26-35 36-50 51-up

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