Home Bible Study Emphasis

Home Bible Study Emphasis


1. Central Theme

A) Man’s fall from grace

2. Main Topic

A) Adam’s sin has passed unto all men

1) Romans 5:12
2) Romans 3:23
3) Psalms 51:5

3. Conclusion

A) Just as God judged Noah’s day for sin, Jesus will judge ours also.


1. Central Theme

A) You never go wrong walking with God

2. Main Topic

A) Life of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph

3. Conclusion

A) Ended well because they obeyed God

B) We may have trials, but if we walk with God there is an eternal reward.


1. Central Theme

A) God makes use of types and shadows

2. Main Topic

A) The tabernacle

3. Conclusion

A) Just as the blood of a lamb cleansed Israel, the blood of Jesus will cleanse us.


1. Central Theme

A) God’s love for Israel

2. Main Topics

A) Repeated battles

B) Sin

C) Captivity of Israel

D) God’s desire to deliver

3. Conclusion

A) As Israel’s deliverance came through God, so will our’s.


1. Central Theme

A) Life of Christ

2. Main Topic

A) Events in the Lord’s life

3. Conclusion

A) Parable of the mustard seed


1. Central Theme

A) God was manifest in the flesh

B) Jesus died on Calvary

2. Main Topics

A) Oneness of God

B) Crucifixion

1) Stress repentance

3. Conclusion

A) Jesus paid for it all on Calvary

1) Sin

2) Mind

3) Body

a) Isaiah 53:5

b) I Corinthians 6:20


1. Central Theme

A) The Holy Ghost

2. Main Topic

A) Acts 2:38

3. Conclusion

A) Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?


1. Central Theme

A) The early church

2. Main Topics

A) Gifts of the spirit

B) Fruit of the spirit

C) Holiness

D) Dark Ages

3. Conclusion

A) Whole world fell into darkness due to religious hypocrisy

B) God still had a church

1) Mark 13:31 “My Word shall never pass away.”


1. Central Theme

A) Jesus is coming soon!

2. Main Topics

A) Signs of the times

B) Rapture

C) Tribulation

3. Conclusion

A) Rapture is only way to escape tribulation


1. Central Theme

A) Judgment!

2. Main Topics

A) White throne judgment

B) Heaven

C) Hell

3. Conclusion

A) Today is the day of salvation!

(The original source and/or publisher of the above material is unknown.)

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