Home Fellowship Group Director

Home Fellowship Group Director
Jonathan Taylor

Job Purpose
With these home fellowship groups we desire to build doctrinal foundations, foster deeper relationships and church unity, and assimilate new converts into the church- all with a primary focus of reaching the lost and perfecting the saints. Major focus will be placed on training of group leaders, promotion of home fellowship groups, and administrative responsibilities. In focusing on these tasks, you will accomplish the main task of the Home Fellowship groups: growth, maturity, and stability of all church members and facilitating a passion to reach the lost.

Job Qualifications:
1. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.
2. Must meet the qualifications for church membership.
3. Must be loyal to the Pastor.
4. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.
5. Must carry a burden for incorporating lay-members into leadership, reaching lost souls, and discipleship of the saints.
6. Must be able to promote home fellowship groups and spread enthusiasm and excitement.
7. Must be able to lead and motivate others.
8. Must be organized and able to coordinate various group meetings.
9. Must be able and willing to train others.
10. Must be faithful to accomplishing assigned responsibilities.
11. Must have a stable walk with God.

Job Responsibilities:
* Shall coordinate and supervise all operations of the Home Fellowship groups under the
direction of the Pastor. All responsibilities should be attended to with passion, love, and
* Shall analyze the existing home fellowship methods and improve upon them while also implementing new and effective strategies.
* Shall work with the Pastor and church calendar to find a consistent week-day for home fellowship groups to meet.
o Must be a non-church day
o Must last 1-1.5 hours and at a consistent time
o Chosen day must not overcrowd the church’s weekly schedule
* Shall coordinate and organize main details of the individual home fellowship groups
o Must choose a faithful church member to lead each group
o Each group must have at least 4 members, but no more than 10
o If a group reaches 10 members, the group shall be split in half and a new leader assigned to the new group
o Is responsible for choosing a quarterly theme and assisting team leaders in lesson development
* Shall be responsible for creating a theme/name for the Home Fellowship Department
o Choose a short name that encompasses the department’s focus and vision
o Create a byline that briefly describes what the name means
o Define the who, the mission, the vision, the means, the values, and the target of the Home Fellowship groups in alignment with the Pastor’s church vision
o Create a letterhead for all official documents
* Shall actively train group leaders in various aspects to equip them to teach and lead
o Manage new leader selection; including but not limited to scheduling interviews, creating training materials, and following up to gather group information
o Must have a weekly tag-in meeting to assess team leaders progress
o Host a monthly training session to share the pastor’s vision, teach new skills, and set monthly goals with all group leaders
o Encourage team leaders to seek out potential new leaders within their own group
o Design a training course to train and develop saints who desire to become team leaders. This shall consist of online modules with follow up questions and a final interview to assess competency
* Shall be available to all groups for assistance, questions, or issues
o Shall be responsible for most problem solving issues, but direct any erroneous teaching or inappropriate conduct to Pastor for counsel
o Shall forward a written copy of each issue outside of that to Pastor’s secretary for review
* Shall be responsible for monitoring the health, effectiveness, and duration of each home group
o Shall have each team leader turn in a monthly growth report that covers what topics they have taught, new members added, and any issues they have faced
o The monthly report should include a question to address what you (the director) and the Pastor can help with
o Shall assess each team’s report and keep on file
o Shall turn in a quarterly report of all groups growth and effectiveness to Pastor
o Shall work to resolve issues that may arise with team leaders, but must report major concerns/conflicts to the Pastor
* Shall work to promote home fellowship groups to the entire church and spark enthusiasm
o Create a promotional video to briefly describe home fellowship groups
o Utilize social media to promote events, success stories, and meeting times (i.e. Facebook, instagram, twitter)
o Report any testimonies to the church secretary to include in bulletins, announcements, etc.
o Shall have a quarterly progress report/promo announcement to church body
o Must create means for outreach into the community to invite new people to Home Fellowship groups with the ultimate goal of creating new converts
* Shall attend all weekly tag-ins, monthly planning councils, and yearly retreat for church directors
o A monthly report shall be turned into Pastor which shall be provided. It shall include attendance, upcoming meetings, goals of the previous month, goals for the next month, outreach efforts, and any concerns
o Shall schedule a yearly staff evaluation meeting with Pastor 2 weeks prior to staff retreat
o Shall create a department yearly plan to present at the director retreat
* Shall work with the visitor follow up team to invite visitors to attend home fellowship groups

Other Duties:
* Shall not schedule any home fellowship meeting on the church’s designated family night where members are encouraged to spend time with their families
* Shall be an example to the home fellowship groups in faithfulness to church attendance
* Shall attend all home fellowship groups in an alternating cycle
* Shall be an example to the church in outreach and witnessing to the lost
* If unable to attend any annual retreats or monthly tag-ins, must inform the church secretary
* Shall perform all additional duties as required

Organizational Relationships
The home fellowship director is responsible directly to the Pastor. Each year, the pastor and director will review this job description, update, and improve upon. Accountability shall consist of a monthly report of all home group progress and goals. The director is responsible for the training of all staff and group leaders. The director shall work closely with all departments, but especially with outreach, visitor follow up, new convert care, and promotions. The term of this office shall be for one year.

Training and Development
* Read “The Big Book on Small Groups” by Jeffrey Arnold
* Read “Leading Healthy, Growing, Multiplying, Small Groups” By Rod Dempsey
* Read “Community: Taking Your Small Group off Life Support” By Brad House
* Read “A Tale of Three Kings” By Gene Edwards
* Read “Realign” by Eugene Wilson
* Attend two leadership development seminars yearly

Job Goals For the Year of 2017
* Create a name and theme for the Home Fellowship department
* Aim to have at least 5 Home Fellowship groups at the end of 2017
* Have at least 5 new fully trained team leaders at the end of 2017
* Develop job descriptions for all staff and team leaders
* Create training modules to use for new team leaders
* Create and fulfill an attendance goal for new converts attending Home Fellowship Groups
* Host at least 3 outreach events during 2017

The above article, “Home Fellowship Group Director” was written by Jonathan Taylor. The article was excerpted from used by permission. Submitted by the author.

The material is copyrighted and should not be reprinted under any other name or author. However, this material may be freely used for personal study or research purposes.