Hurleys 10 Commandments for Youth Workers

Hurleys 10 Commandments for Youth Workers
By David Hurleys

1) Thou shalt not allow sin to build up in thy life, and guard the life of youth

2) Thou shalt have a sense of humor

3) Thou shalt be able to flex (be flexible)

4) Thou shalt do anything thou tellest thy youth to do

5) Thou shalt manage thy time effectively

6) Thou shalt keep in touch with those who understand youth culture

7) Thou shalt give thy youth responsibility

8) Thou shalt train youth for life, not just a year

9) Thou shalt consult the parents of thy young people on a regular basis

10)Thou shalt minister to young people because of thy love for them

From, “Youth Workers Workshop 2001”/Huston TX, by David Hurleys