Ideas For a Big Old Fashioned Rally

Mark E. Peterson


This is the oldest and most widely used of all the special days in the history of Sunday school promotions. It goes back farther than any of the unusual promotions that we see on many sides today. It remains as effective as any of them, when handled correctly. In hundreds of Sunday schools, Rally Day has always been the big day of the year. It can be successful for you.


I. Have every member of the Sunday school to sign up at least one person to be present on Rally Day. Cards should be printed up well in advance of the promotional drive.

II. Have the members to concentrate on signing up friends, neighbors, relatives and business associates.

III. Information on the card should be as follows… “Unless providentially hindered, I will be in Sunday school on (date), at (church name), for Rally Day.” A place for name, address and phone number should be included.

IV. Members should fill out the cards and hand them in. Don’t leave them with the prospects to turn in later.

V. There should be a central location for all cards to be collected and tallied. A periodic report should be given to the congregation to encourage them or let them see the progress. If the progress goes slowly, steps should be taken to “beef-up” the pace. If the members are to get excited, the pastor must be much’ more excited about the prospects of reaching more people by having a successful day.

VI. About a week before Rally Day, send a letter from the

pastor to all who have signed up thus far. The letter could read something like:

“Dear John Doe,

We are glad you signed up to be with us for Rally Day. I will be looking forward to meeting you personally. Come by to see me after the service.

We are having (name) as our special guest speaker. I know you will enjoy hearing him.”

See you on Rally Day at 9:45 AM.

VII. Every person who has signed up someone to be present should call them on Friday or Saturday before Rally Day. This, of course, means that each worker will have to have a record of names and phone numbers of all sign-ups to be present. During the call, he should say something like:

“Mary, I’m thrilled you agreed to be with us at (church name), for Rally Day. We are looking forward to it and expect it to be one of the greatest days in the history of our church. I hope you will bring a friend with you. At any rate, I’ll see you on Sunday morning in the church vestibule.”

The caller should name a place to meet the prospect. This will place a little more obligation on the prospect to be present.

VIII. Set a Definite Goal.

Goals are important for people and churches and especially churches. Set a reasonable goal that can be reached. Nothing is more psychologically inflating to a church than the setting of a goal and the reaching of it. On the other hand, to fail to reach a goal will have the opposite effect and will make it difficult in the future when announcements of certain goals are made. Sometimes, goals are set so high that the workers haven’t a chance of reaching it even though they do a great job.

IX. Start signing up visitors at least a month in advance of Rally Day. Keep a periodic check on the progress of the signing up of visitors. Announce the progress to the church members. They will be encouraged by good reports. Give occasional pep talks. Publicly recognize persons doing an outstanding job getting visitors signed up.

X. Strive to get two or three times your enrollment signed up. This insures a larger attendance.



* Use newspaper ads

* Write news releases

* Buy radio and TV promotional spot announcements. (Many stations give free public service announcements.)

* Give out fliers

* Use church news letters

* special visitation efforts

* Have each Sunday school class and department set a goal to sign up. Keep check on classes and departmental progress in the regular weekly teachers’ meetings.

* Have each individual sit down and make a list of persons they are going to try to sign up. Ask them to check each person off as they are signed up.

* Have a night of prayer, asking individuals to sign for the hour or number of minutes he agrees to pray for Rally Day.

* Have a telephone brigade. Call all members.

* Make signs to put up in strategic places around the church. The sign can say only … 1,000 on Rally Day or whatever your goal happens to be.

* Set goals for the bus ministry.