Issue 30-2 – Leadership Resources – Reaching Peak Potential – Steve Smith

Reaching peak potential

By Steve Smith






Reaching Peak Potential should be the goal of every leader. Nothing else will do. Perhaps the peak for ach individual leader is different, some higher than others, and some lower, but we all have a peak potential and we should all be reaching for it. Peak potential is something every leader eau reach in their leadership areas of responsibility.


Some leaders come with high expectations and some with low expectations. Some leaders have high returns on those expectations and some have low returns. The result of leaders reaching their peak potential, though, lies in the power of choice that each one has and the decisions that they make with those choices. The power lies within the leader. Outside influences and powers do have an effect, but ultimately the potential leader’s reach depends on their personal power of choice and how high of a peak that they want to reach for!


Let’s look at two different leaders that had two different levels of expectations, two different returns, and how each, through their power of choice in their decisions, determined the peak potential that they reached.


Clink on Links Below to Download:

The Minister and His Preaching – Full Article

The Minister and His Preaching – Outline

The Minister and His Preaching – Powerpoint

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