Jeff Arnold Releases Pulpit Notes – Guest Pulpit 14-5

Jeff Arnold Releases Pulpit Notes

Jeff Arnold

After thirty years of crisscrossing the country preaching revivals, conferences and camp-meetings Pastor Jeff Arnold has released a set of pulpit notes in an effort to “help somebody before I kick the bucket.”

Bro. Arnold is releasing a series of books entitled Pulpit Notes One, Two, and Three. These three volumes are a collection what he calls the “house rocking” sermons and Bible Studies that have revolutionized the Gainesville United Pentecostal Church where he has pastored for 23 years. The saints of the Gainesville, FL, assembly have subtitled the books, “All the Meat Without the Bones.”

Bro. Jeff Arnold can hardly contain himself when he talks about the power of God and the work of the ministry. He becomes even more excited when he speaks of the believer’s place in affecting it. “We are God’s earthly replacement for Jesus,” he said.

“We as Apostolics must embrace the Scriptures in their entirety so we can manifest Christ in our own lives and affect His power toward others. Apostolics are afraid of healing and deliverance,” Bro. Arnold said.

Because he is at his best when he is in the pulpit, he thought it best to have his messages transcribed rather than to attempt to write a book and risk not capturing the spirit of the moment. “Tapes”, he said, “catch everything.” The 100-plus page laminated books are all spiral bound and cost $9. The church may be contacted by e-mailing them at They may also be called at 352-376-6320 or orders may be faxed to 352-376-7105, as long as complete credit card information, name, mailing address and phone number are included. Other products and church information can be found on the website by going to The mailing address is: Truth Publications, 8105 NW 23rd Avenue, Gainesville, Florida  32606.