Job Description: Promotions Department Director

Job Description: Promotions Department Director
United Pentecostal Church – 1989
Tim Massengale

Job Purpose

To administer and supervise the Promotions Department in a manner that will communicate to the church, visitors and to the public at large, the message of Truth, plus all church activities, ministries and programs. Being a visual mode of communication, it is expected that the work of Promotions be of the highest quality, integrity and professionalism. Major focus will be placed upon developing the Monthly Bulletin, designing of flyers and promotional literature, public service announcements and news releases (newspaper/radio), bulk mailing, and advertising through various means. By focusing upon these, the activities of the Promotions Department becomes an important extension of our churches ministry and outreach to a lost and hungry world.

Job Qualifications

l. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.
2. Must meet the qualifications for church membership.
3. Must be loyal to the Pastor.
4. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.
5. Must carry a burden for the Promotions Ministry.
6. Must be able to instill enthusiasm for Promotions work.
7. Must be able to lead and motivate Promotions staff.
8. Must desire quality and perfection of work.
9. Must be faithful and dependable in accomplishing duties.
10. Must have a basic knowledge of lay-out design and advertising in general.

Job Responsibilities

** Shall oversee and supervise all operations of the Promotions Department under the direction of the Pastor. Shall seek to fulfill all responsibilities with tact, zeal and dedication.

** Shall oversee and supervise the publishing of a monthly church bulletin for members and visitors, including such articles as:
a. Pastor’s page f. People Profile (testimony)
b. Highlights of Sermons g. Departmental News
c. Church News and Events h. Humor (quips, quotes, cartoon)
d. Photo-spread Page i. Photo – new converts, baptisms
e. Monthly Calendar j. Special Promotion of Big Event

* Note: Shall use a variety of clip-art and photographs in this publication.

** Shall provide ushers/hostesses with enough monthly bulletins to hand out to visitors.

** Shall maintain a mailing list of all members and visitors for the purpose of bulk mailing monthly bulletin, revival flyers, and special announcements to all on mailing list. This must be updated at least once each year.

** Shall provide one page each month in the Monthly Bulletin to highlight and focus upon one department to promote their ministries, programs, and annual events.

** Shall oversee the design and production of all printed materials and flyers that the church or departments might need, keeping quality at its best.
a. All other department heads will be instructed to come through your department if they wish to have anything printed. All printed materials must either be designed by your department or approved by your department.

** Shall advertise church activities in local newspapers, radio stations, special activities bulletin board, and in any other means as approved of by Pastor.
a. Special attention shall be given to the free community announcements made by all public radio stations and newspapers, utilizing this method as much as possible.

1. Make a list of all radio stations that have community bulletin boards and request station format.
2. Mail in announcements of importance such as revivals, special services, musicals, dramas, etc. in the approved format.
3. Radio stations are required by FCC law to supply non-profit organizations with free community announcements and services. But they will not give free advertising. You must word announcements carefully and properly in order to be accepted.

1. Contact religious editor of local newspaper(s) and find out in what manner they wish to receive church news and announcements.
2. Type all church announcements and special services according to the newspapers requirements and submit to the religious editor for editing.
3. Contact the local new desk to inform of any church activities that would be of a community service nature. Request photographer if possible.
4. Remember that unlike radio, newspapers are not required by law to print anything. Be courteous at all times.

** Shall oversee all church bulletin boards (excluding classrooms) and endeavor to keep them neat and attractive. The theme and design of the boards shall be changed each quarter.

** Shall place a photograph of all baptisms on the church bulletin board, along with a note welcoming that new convert to the church family. Make this attractive.

** Shall work with the pastor to select a “theme” or “slogan” for each year and promote this theme in all advertising and promotional literature.

** Shall oversee the outside and inside sign board, keeping message appropriate and up to date: i.e. – special services, speakers, funerals & weddings, etc.
a. May use an approved “quip or quote” when there is room.

** Shall maintain the church Book Rack in a neat and orderly manner, keeping it stocked with approved Pentecostal literature.
a. Shall keep neat and accurate records of all funds and purchases.
b. Promote the book rack through various means: bulletin, bulletin board, flyers, etc.
c. Stock should be kept attractive, up to date, and rotated regularly by having occasional sales and specials.

** Shall insure that all major motels, hotels, and airports have the church listed in the local church register, and that address and phone number is up to date.

** Shall make sure that the equipment and supplies used by the Promotions Department is kept clean and in good repair.

** Shall try to the best of your ability to meet all deadlines and goals in the expected amount of time. Any changes in activities or deadlines will be reported to the Pastor.

Other Duties

** Shall work with the Pastor to select a department assistant and a church photographer to work with you in all activities and duties of the Promotions Department.

** Shall be an example to the church in faithfulness by attending all church services and functions.

** Shall be an example to the church in soulwinning by being continually involved in the Home Bible Study Ministry, or some other form of outreach ministry.

** Shall be an example to the church in spiritual growth by coming at least one-half hour before each service to pray.

** Shall endeavor to not schedule any departmental activities on Monday night. Monday will be known as “Family Night” and all church members are encouraged to stay home with their families on this night.

** Shall attend all Annual Planning Retreats and Monthly Departmental Planning Councils.

** If unable to attend because of an emergency, shall inform the Pastor in advance and endeavor to have a substitute attend in your place.

** Shall hand in an official monthly report at the Monthly Staff Council.

** Shall perform additional duties as required.

Organizational Relationships

The Promotions Director is responsible directly to the Pastor. Each year, the Pastor and Promotions Director will review this Job Description, update and improve to make more applicable to the position. Accountability shall consist of a monthly report of all Promotions activities and upcoming events. The Promotions Director is responsible for all Promotions Department staff and personnel. The director shall work very closely with all departments to help promote each departments activities and programs. Evaluation of performance of this position shall be performed by the Pastor on an annual basis. The term of this office shall be for one year.

Training and Development

** Purchase & Read “Publicity Handbook for Churches and Christian Organizations” by James A. Vitti (Zondervan)
** Purchase & Read “Public Relations Handbook for Your Church” by Barbara Williams (Judson Press)
** Read “Let My People Grow” by Tim Massengale (Revival Research)
** Make appointment to talk to Religious editor of the two city newspapers about how to best provide articles on church activities.
** Read any additional book(s) provided by the Pastor.

Job Goals for the year of 1989

** Develop a Promotions staff and a church photographer to assist you with the creation of the monthly bulletin and its distribution.
** Develop a mailing list of all past visitors (for one year) and church members.
** Obtain bulk-mailing permit
** Have monthly church bulletin mailed to all visitors at bulk rates if possible.
** Develop the church mini-book rack (contact PPH for information on how).
** Begin mailing in Public Service Announcements/News Releases to radio & newspapers of all church activities.
** Explore possibility of newspaper advertising and improved yellow pages ad.
** Improve the appearance of church bulletin boards.
** Develop Job Descriptions for all interdepartmental positions.