Job Description: Senior Adult Ministry Department Director

Job Description: Senior Adult Ministry Department Director
Dan Johnson

Job Purpose

To administer and motivate the Senior Adult Department in a manner that will result in spiritual and social growth for the senior’s of the church and community. Major focus will be placed on providing the senior adults with spiritual, social, outreach, and fund raising activities that will glorify God. In focusing upon these, you will assist in accomplishing the main task of the Senior Adult Department, this being, to utilize and encourage the senior adults in their rightful place as spiritual leaders in the church of today, as well as tomorrow.

Job Qualifications

1. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.
2. Must meet the qualifications for church membership.
3. Must be loyal to the Pastor.
4. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.
5. Must carry a burden for the Senior Adult Ministry.
6. Must be able to instill enthusiasm and excitement.
7. Must be able to lead and motivate seniors.
8. Must be a lover of the souls of senior adults.
9. Must be faithful and dependable in accomplishing duties.
10. Must have knowledge of the operation/functions of the needs of the senior adult ministry.

Job Responsibilities

** Shall oversee and supervise all operations of the Senior Adult Ministry under the direction of the Pastor. Shall seek to fulfill all responsibilities with tact, zeal, dedication, and love.

** Shall be aware that by 2040, when the last of the “baby boomers” reach retirement, the over-65 age group will number 87 million persons, which will constitute approximately one-fourth of the population! By that year, 2040, life expectancy for males will be 87 years and for females will be 92. Those persons over age 85 years are the fastest growing group in the country. This makes this group potentially one of the fastest growing groups in the church.

** Shall also be aware that the average life expectancy in 1950 was 68.2 years; in 1985 it was 74.7 years; in 2020 it will be 78.1 years. Older persons constitute over 60% of all single adults. As America grows older, the value of this age group will grow as well.

** Shall take an active interest in planning and participating in:

a. The social aspect of the senior adult program – in order to unify them as a strong team and body.
b. The soulwinning involvement of the senior adult – in order to see people saved.
c. The fund raising goals of the senior adult – in order to help them meet their various needs and social events.
d. The spiritual growth of the senior adult – in order to see them continue to develop a stable walk with God.

** Shall serve as a catalyst to the entire Senior Adult Program promoting and encouraging its success.

a. Shall keep abreast with all areas of the senior adult ministry from the national, district, and sectional level in order to implement needed programs locally. In UPCI, the senior adult ministry lies under the Sunday School Division, UPCI.
b. Shall offer suggestions and give advice for the entire scope of the senior adult work, serving as the pastor’s representative.
c. Shall be an example to the senior adult by serving as a role model in worship and consecration.

** Shall understand that older adults are not one homogeneous group. In fact, three categories are helpful when you consider your ministry plans:

1) “Active retired” are those who have control of their daily schedules and who are in relatively good health. This is the group that is often the most neglected, yet has the greatest potential contribution to the church;
2) “Working seniors” who hold regular jobs. They frequently are as busy as they want to be and are not looking for another night out, or church project;
3) “Confinees” are those who are shut-ins in their own homes or rest homes. This group may be sub-divided into those who are permanently confined, and those who are temporarily confined. Planning appropriate events for each group will be more successful than lumping all seniors into one group and trying to minister to their diverse needs through one program or activity.

** Shall work with the pastor to encourage the senior adult group to labor in various areas of church ministry. Our senior adult population can be one of our most faithful groups and ministries.

** Shall work with the pastor to oversee the “Living Long and Lovin’ It” ministry of the church which is the name of our senior adult group. The current ministries that are active under this group are:

1. The “Walk a Mile” club which meets at various parks each week to walk.
2. The “Snap, Crackle ‘n’ Pop” exercise group which meets on Tuesday for low impact exercise.
3. The “Seniors Bible Studies Group” with meets on Friday evening for group Bible study.
4. The “Senior Book Club” which meets monthly to chose and review a book of common religious interest.
5. The “Senior’s Choir” which sings monthly on Sunday Morning. Practice is Sunday Afternoon at 5:00 PM before service the first Sunday of the month.
6. Our “Senior’s Genealogical Workshop” which meets once a month to assist in finding and tracking genealogical information and posting it online.
7. The “Senior’s Volunteer Service Corp” which meets as needed to help older persons meet needs of, and reach out to, other seniors in the community.

** Shall promote and supervise the senior adult prayer meeting that meets weekly on Tuesday Evening.

a. Should strongly encourage senior adult to attend all other church prayer meetings, including pre-service prayer.

** Shall help the pastor launch a new ministry entitled “L.I.F.E.” It stands for “Living In Full Effectiveness,” and is a practical new approach to helping churches better reach the unchurched senior adult population in their community. For detailed information about the L.I.F.E. program write Church Growth, 2670 S. Myrtle Ave. Ste. #201, Monrovia, CA 91016

** Shall work diligently to involve all new convert senior adults in the senior adult program and activities. Make a special effort to invite them and make them belong.

Other Duties

** Shall endeavor to not schedule any departmental activities on Monday night. Monday will be known as “Family Night” and all church members are encouraged to stay home with their families on this night.

** Shall be an example to the senior adult in faithfulness by attending all church services and special functions.

** Shall be an example to the senior adult in soul winning by taking active involvement in the Home Bible Study Ministry, or some other form of outreach ministry.

** Shall be an example to the Senior adult in spiritual growth by coming at least one-half hour before each service to pray.

** Shall attend all Annual Planning Retreats and Monthly Departmental Planning Councils.

** If unable to attend because of an emergency, shall inform the Pastor in advance and endeavor to have a substitute (one of the senior adult council members) attend in your place.

** Shall hand in an official monthly report at the Monthly Staff Council.

** Shall perform additional duties as required.

Organizational Relationships

The Senior adult Director is responsible directly to the Pastor. Each year, the Pastor and Senior adult Director will review this Job Description, update and improve to make more applicable to the position. Accountability shall consist of a monthly report of all senior adult activities and upcoming events. The Director is responsible for all interdepartmental staff personnel. The director shall work closely with all departments, but especially with Outreach. Evaluation of performance of this position shall be performed by the Pastor on an annual basis. The term of this office shall be for one year.

Training and Development

** Read “Building Community in Senior Adult Groups” by Denny Rydburg (Group Books)
** Read “Let My People Grow” by Tim Massengale (Revival Research)
** Read book(s) provided by Pastor

Job Goals For The Year Of ______

** Assist the Pastor in developing a Senior adult Council
** Begin the Senior adult Newsletter
** Begin the senior adult prayer meeting.
** Explore the possibility of beginning L.I.F.E. program.
** Develop Job Descriptions for all interdepartmental positions.