Kennon L. Callahan, in his best-selling book Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, provides a list of 12 elements that usually exist in growing churches. He contends that at least nine of these 12 keys should be present if a church wishes to grow effectively and consistently. Look over the list and see how you compare:
- Specific and concrete growth and evangelism goals. They know exactly where they want to go each year.
- Weekly visitation by pastor and church members to visitors. Also visitation is made to absentees and other evangelism prospects.
- Strong, dynamic – yet compassionate – worship and preaching services.
- Significant emphasis on involvement by members and converts in various ministries and small groups of the church. At least 70% involvement.
- Strong leadership, with an emphasis upon training current and future laity for significant leadership involvement.
- An effective organizational structure that includes active participation by the various lay ministry leaders in the decision-making process.
- Several competent ministries and programs that serve the membership and new converts in spiritual growth and evangelism, such as: Sunday School, Home Bible Study, Men’s and Women’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, New Convert Care, Visitor Follow-up, etc.
- An open and accessible location near major traffic patterns and communities.
- Adequate sanctuary and facilities for worship and Christian education. Simply put: there’s room to grow.
- Adequate parking and land for future expansion. They purchase land with the future in mind.
- A high degree of visibility – both in the physical location of the facility and in the community life and news.
- Solid financial resources to keep the church’s ministries and program functioning. Growing churches are giving churches.