KICK Ministries (Newsletter 2-8 Ministry)

If you’re frustrated with the same old, done it before, tried that, attempts at sparking a fire in your Sunday School or Children’s Ministry, then it may be time to “kick it in high gear” with Jumpin’ Josh Combs. KICK Ministries [Kidz in Christ’s Kingdom] is the personal children’s evangelism of Josh combs, an evangelist who lives with his creativity in high Gear. Jumpin’ Josh is a sought after speaker for camps, children’s revivals, seminars, and also trains children’s ministry workers in the subjects of praying with children and being effective in Children’s Church.

When ministering, Jumpin’ Josh uses many avenues including, action songs, illustrated sermons, physical humor, and balloon art, as well as other methods. “I have also led outreach for many churches using balloon art,” explains Bro. combs. “This usually consists of travelling to local parks or neighborhoods and giving children balloon animals along with information about an upcoming service. I have also conducted block parties and Vacation Bible Schools for churches which serve as great outreach tools. One of the greatest ways to reach a family is to reach a child. When a church takes a weekend or a whole week to focus on the importance of children, families take notice and this opens up doors that otherwise could not be opened. By conducting outreaches and block parties, KICK gives churches the chance to reach outside their four walls and be a blessing to their cities.”
Bro. Combs attends Living Word Church in Aberdeen, MD, pastored by Rev. Howie Kane. Growing up in church and in a minister’s home has made ministry a big part of his life. “I began teaching Sunday School as an early teen,” Bro. Combs said. “That experience birthed a strong passion inside of me for children’s and youth ministry. In 2006 our church revamped its entire children’s ministry and I was asked to lead the new program. The next year and a half became my crash course in children’s ministry. Learning how to connect with kids, praying with children, writing curriculum and trying to find a place that sold rubber chickens became a regular part of my life. It was all pretty crazy and uncertain at first, but seeing children pray and seek after God every service was what truly kept me going.”

In January of 2008 Bro. Combs started Kick Ministries with a two-fold purpose, to see children receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and to reach out beyond the four walls of the church.  “My target audience is usually between the ages of 5-11,” said Bro. Combs, “but I have seen many adults and teens filled and changed by the simplicity of children’s ministry.”

Effective in teaching Sunday School Seminars Bro. Combs has two main subjects that he focuses on, Praying with Children and The Funnel Effect. “I have written handbooks on both of these subjects,” said Bro. Combs. “These seminars deal with the fears and challenges people have when working with children as well as a three step structure system that allows you to engage the students, deliver your message, and present a challenge for the student to apply what they have learned. Having a successful Children’s Ministry can be very challenging, but can also be one of the most effective ministries of the church.”

Josh can be contacted via his website,, where handbooks for his seminars are available as well. You may visit his blog at, or connect with him via twitter at, or on Facebook at

