Job Description Maintenance Department Director United Pentecostal Church


Job Purpose

To maintain and keep beautiful the House of God, both internally and externally. The major focus of this job will be upon four areas 1) major repairs and projects 2) regular gardening upon
grounds and flower beds 3) minor repairs upon church building and equipment 4) janitorial cleaning of all interior facilities. In focusing upon these, you will make the House of God a more
pleasant place to worship, attractive to visitors, thereby being a meaningful outreach ministry to the community.


Job Qualifications

1. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.

2. Must meet the qualifications for church membership.

3. Must be loyal to the Pastor.

4. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.

5. Must carry a burden for the House of God.

6. Must be able to instill enthusiasm and faithfulness in volunteers.

7. Must be able to lead and motivate staff.

8. Must be faithful and dependable in accomplishing duties.

9. Must have a knowledge of the operation/functions of equipment and general repairs.


Job Responsibilities

** Shall oversee and supervise all operations of maintenance under the direction of the Pastor. Although most work will not be done by the Maintenance Director directly, it will be his
responsibility to see it accomplished. Shall seek to implement all duties with tact, zeal, and love.

** Shall endeavor to involve an adequate staff of volunteers so that the responsibilities will not become a great burden to any one individual.

** Shall plan each year, along with the Pastor, any major projects and will coordinate these projects through to completion. This will involve much planning: obtaining estimates, purchasing
materials, scheduling volunteer help, and project clean up.

a. If project requires outside help, shall receive bids and evaluate each bid with the pastor. All work shall be inspected to insure quality and consistency.

** Shall oversee all regular lawn and flower bed maintenance.

a. Lawns are to be mowed, edges trimmed, fences kept clear, walks swept, weeds killed, leaves raked, all litter removed, bushes trimmed, etc.

b. Responsible for health of all lawns and shrubs through periodic application of fertilizer and herbicides as needed.

c. Responsible for all regular watering of shrubs and lawn as needed.

d. Report any problems in this area to the Pastor.

** Shall oversee all snow removal from walks and parking lot, as well as the application of snow melt.

** Shall oversee all periodic repairs to the church building, grounds, or equipment. Will use volunteer help when possible, and consult with Pastor when hired help is needed. This will involve
such things as roof leaks, broken windows, broken doors & locks, holes in walls or floor, broken fixtures, plumbing, etc.

** Shall oversee any repairs to church equipment or appliances.

** Shall keep all lawn and maintenance equipment serviced and in good repair.

** Shall service all heating and air conditioning filters bi-monthly. Shall also light pilots and clean units each year.

** Shall clean and maintain church roof gutters, insuring that they are kept free of leaves, trash, rock, and weeds. Downpipes are to be kept in good shape.

** Shall oversee annual painting, waxing and shampooing of church facilities as needed.

** Shall maintain a regular insect (ant, roach, spider) and rodent (mice, rat, squirrel) extermination schedule, spraying inside and out as needed.

** Shall oversee spraying of herbicide on sidewalks, parking lot and fence line each quarter. This will eliminate most of the edging and “weed-eater” work if done properly.

** Shall oversee draining, cleaning and changing baptistery water monthly, adding chlorine and chemicals as needed.

** Shall oversee the changing of all light bulbs in sanctuary, foyer, and outside security and parking lots when needed.

** Shall oversee and schedule all interior janitorial cleaning of sanctuary, foyer, restroom and hallways. One family per month will be scheduled to clean. Make sure they follow the check-off list.

a. Facility should be spot checked weekly to insure work was done properly.

** Shall oversee the inventory and purchase of all church cleaning and washroom supplies from approved suppliers.

** Shall insure that the church tool and maintenance shed is kept clean and in good order.

** Shall schedule periodic work days for men and women on Saturday, several times per year, to keep maintenance and church cleaning up to date.

** Shall meet with the pastor to have a “walk-through” inspection of all church facilities just prior to the quarterly work day to determine what work is needed.

a. All work should be divided onto “job cards” and handed out as men/women arrive.

** Shall provide to the Pastor, when vacancies occur in your staff, a list of recommendations for replacement.


Other Duties

** Shall work with the Pastor to select a Department Assistant to assist you in your duties

** Shall be an example to the church in faithfulness by attending all church services and functions.

** Shall be an example to the church in soulwinning by being continually involved in the Home Bible Study Ministry, or some other form of outreach ministry.

** Shall be an example to the church in spiritual growth by coming at least one-half hour before each service to pray.

** Shall endeavor to not schedule any departmental activities on Monday night. Monday will be known as “Family Night” and all church members are encouraged to stay home with their families on this night.

** Shall attend all Annual Planning Retreats and Monthly Departmental Planning Councils.

** If unable to attend because of emergency, shall inform the Pastor in advance and endeavor to have a substitute attend in your place.

** Shall hand in an official monthly report at the Monthly Staff Council.

** Shall perform additional duties are required.


Organizational Relationships

The Maintenance Director is responsible directly to the Pastor. Each year, the Pastor and Director will review this Job Description, update and improve to make more applicable to the
position. Accountability shall consist of a monthly report of all Maintenance activities and upcoming events. The Director is responsible for all Maintenance staff and personnel. The director
shall work closely with the Ladies Auxiliary and Men’s Fellowship Departments. Evaluation of performance of this position shall be performed by the Pastor on an annual basis. The term of this
office shall be for one year.


Training and Development

** Listen to “How To Get People To Think And Act Favorably With You” by Millard Bennett. (SMI Tape Productions).

** Read “Let My People Grow” By Tim Massengale (Revival Research)

** Read additional book(s) provided by the Pastor.


Job Goals for the year of 1988

** Develop a regular lawn and gardening schedule with faithful workers.

** Schedule quarterly work days for repairing various minor items.

** Develop a church cleaning check list.

** Repair and clean up Maintenance Tool Shed.

** Reroof educational unit.

** Resurface parking lot.

** Repaint woodwork on church.

** Install baptistery filtering and heating unit.

** Develop Job Descriptions for all interdepartmental positions.


(The original source of the above material is unknown.)

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