How can I make our Sunday school more evangelistic?
The primary responsibility of the Sunday school is to reach children. But when the children of unsaved parents reach their teen years and still have not made a decision to live for the Lord, it becomes increasingly more difficult to reach them. It is no longer “cool” to go to Sunday school or ride the church bus. Now they are “grown up” and “grown-ups” don’t go to Sunday school (just look at dad!). The opportunity to give their hearts to the Lord and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost needs to be offered on a regular basis while they are still young. One suggestion is the concept of a monthly “Holy Ghost Sunday.”
This idea was first conceived out of one teacher’s frustration at the traditional “Baptist” method of having Sunday school (pre-session time followed by worship, the lesson, craft, a snack and going home). The teacher noticed that something was often lost during “craft” time. After the snack, the feeling often totally died.
So this teacher decided to switch things a bit. That next Sunday, he skipped his pre-session time and had a quick craft. Then he went directly into an extended time of worship and singing. After this, he taught his lesson under the burden of the Holy Ghost. It was a short lesson and at the end he gave a simple altar call. Several received the Holy Ghost that Sunday morning. He followed the same pattern the next several weeks, and over 40 received the Holy Ghost. They had, in essence, a Sunday school revival – but without an evangelist.
He realized, of course, that this could not go on indefinitely. After a while the altar call becomes “old hat.” But it could be done very effectively once a month – and effective it is! This concept is simple, but the results are consistent. For more information, request file SSCE-04.TXT from Apostolic Information Services.