Overflowing Christians

John G. Lake, a great evangelist with a healing ministry in the 1900’s, went to Africa in 1920 and established five hundred works. He had some of the most amazing miracles in the presence of medical doctors. One girl had a cone shaped skull. Doctors said her only hope was an operation to cut off some of the skull and graft bone. Lake prayed, and her head went back in place. He showed what the Holy Ghost can do if we walk in a life of prayer.

By T. W. Barnes

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John 7: 37-38: In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”


One day I met a man on the street. He said to me, “Preacher, I am a sick man; when you pray, remember me.”


I reached out and just shook his hand and said, “I will.”


A few days later he hollered at me. “Come here! I want to tell you what happened when I shook hands with you. I had not slept for days. I went home. I was so sleepy I didn’t even pull my clothes off; I just fell across the bed and slept for hours. I am well. Tell me, what came out of your hand when I shook hands with you in the street?”


I answered, “The Holy Ghost, the healer of every sickness.”


Not only preachers, but church members can reach a place in prayer where these signs will follow them. Saints can become great soul winners. People will be healed and set free and demons will flee whenever a person becomes supercharged with an overflowing of the Holy Ghost. For years the Lord has been showing me different ways to attack Satan. Change the old saying a stitch in time saves nine to a prayer in time saves much trouble. We do not have to be stagnant Christians; we can be overflowing Christians.


Zechariah 10:1: Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain…and give them showers of rain… God said if we ask for rain, we will get rain. Revival can come to America. If the church prays (asks for rain), the church can have it. But the church must pray!


The Lord told Smith Wigglesworth, a great evangelist in the teens and twenties, to go to New Zealand. In May, 1922, he went. No churches sponsored him; he paid his own fare. Great revival came and multitudes were saved. Wherever he went some of the most amazing miracles happened. He would say, “The first cripple here that tries to get up will get up.” Some of his workers said they would see someone just brought in and it seemed impossible for them to get up. As they struggled to stand, Wigglesworth would grab them. Before he finished praying with them, they would be running the aisles praising God.


Now, this isn’t hard for God to do, but a secret, much prayer, lies behind it. Everybody, from the least child to the oldest member in the church can be a part of this.


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