Parent Handbook: Preschool & Kindergarten



1350 Galindo Street
Concord, California 94520
Phone: 689-2542


It is the aim of Wee Kare Christian school to make a positive contribution to each child’s physical, social and intellectual development. A strong character building program with both a Christian and patriotic basic is part of the daily curriculum.

Dedicated teachers will encourage your child to fully realize and develop all his potentialities. Creativity and acceptance being two of the prime aims of the teaching staff.


Administrator G. R. Verdier
Director Arlene McLean
Board of Directors Allen Cox
C. M. Duke
Bruce McGregor


Receptionist Wanda Verdier
Secretary Wanda Verdier
Bookkeeper Wanda Verdier


Arlene McLean
Jan Dye
Doris Franklin


We desire to create, by the means of a well rounded program, a spontaneous learning experience from a variety of play situations. Opportunities for riding, running, swinging, climbing, pull and building with blocks and other materials are encouraged. Children are also able to express themselves imaginatively in role-playing situations, and with creative materials, including clay, fingerpaints, water and sand. Adequate
supervision by trained personnel is provided to minimize play hazards. Specific learning experience are planned and introduced daily by teachers to encourage inquisitiveness in specific areas such as: art and crafts, music, literature, social awareness, science and religion.


7:00 a.m. Open of School
7:00 to 8:30 is free play
8:30 to 9:15 is Bible time: includes flag salute, bible story and songs
9:15 to 9:30 getting ready for snack
9:30 to 9:45 snack with prayer
10:00 to 12:00 is preschool
12:00 to 12:30 is lunch with prayer
12:30 to 2:30 is nap time or quiet time
2:30 to 3:00 is snack with prayer and also children making their beds
3:00 to 3:30 is story time or listening to records time
3:30 to 6:00 is children going home and free play

This schedule is not always the same it is just an idea, we will also be rotating hours for preschool and kindergarten too!


It is vital that a close relationship be developed between the child’s home and the school. We of the staff are concerned that you be aware of what happens at the school for your child. Necessary to maintaining contact and understanding, short conferences will be made available between parents and director or other staff members. These conferences are important in continuing the relationship between parents and school, and assuring that special needs of the children are met.

Parents can be of great assistance to the staff by keeping the center informed of irregularities or unusual situations in the child’s life. A word upon arrival or phone call about variations in sleep, appetite, general behavior or other upsets will prepare the staff to be a special help at the school.

Parents and visitors are welcome to inspect the school either before 12:00 or after 3:00 each day, Monday through Friday.

There is no smoking on the school property.


We will require a physicians report that is due back in two weeks, from the day given. It must have the month, day and year of each shot. All the other forms must be back that day or the day after.


There is a $10.00 registration fee that is non-refundable, and we do not except checks. Each child needs to bring everything marked with their name, including the thermos cups that they will be using for drinking will need to have their name of it with something that won’t wash off. Bathing suits to get wet with, depending on the weather.


Your child upon arrival each morning will be given a health check. It is the parents responsibility to know that their child is well before bringing him to the school.

Health regulations also require that you notify the school immediately of any contagious diseases or illness in your family. Children must not return to school after a contagious or serious illness without physicians
permission. In the summer when lice is going around, a common thing, each child’s head will be checked and if found in their head, the child will be sent home.

Parents will be notified if a child has been exposed to a communicable disease.

The school reserves the right to exclude any children from attendance if:

1. If parents do not observe the rules.

2. If the child does not abide by standards of conduct as determined by the director.

3. If the child appears to be ill or immature of the daily program.

Any child who develops a fever or other signs of oncoming illness will be isolated immediately from the rest of the children and the parent will be notified to come for the child. Following a fever a child must be
excluded from school until twenty-four hours after his temperature is returned back to normal.


NO MEDICATION WILL BE GIVEN without a written form from the parent. Not even plain aspirin. A written consent must be given for each medicine on each day that it is to be given and also the time that it is to be given.


1. Conferences with the parents are optional, if you would like one please see the director. If you have any question about the program or teachers and staff please feel free to come in talk to the director.

2. Please place your child’s name on all articles and wraps. It is recommended that boys and girls wear washable clothing. They will get dirty. All children need at least one complete set of clothing in case
of an accident.


3. Toys and similar personal possessions should not be brought to school however if they do, the school will not be responsible in any case that the child’s toy is broken, or lost. Books and records, flowers and bugs are permissible if brought to the teacher. No candy or chewing gum allowed unless there is enough for all the children, but no gum.

4. It is our policy to admit any normal, healthy child who is ready for school without discrimination as to race, country or origin.

5. Inquiries regarding enrollment, management, policies and rules, parent and public relations should be directed to the school director.

6. Discipline – If a child breaks the school rules, they are given 5 or 10 minutes on the bench or chair, without being able to play, after their minutes are up they are able to join the children again. This
willmean if they are hitting, biting, pinching or saying words we don’t use here being this is a Christian school.

For your protection and welfare of your child, it is necessary that we have your current home address, business address and phone numbers, both home and work of both parents. Information regarding transportation arrangements must be given in advance in writing to the school, as we cannot permit your child to be taken from the center by anyone other than someone authorized by you.


A registration fee of $10.00 is due with any application for admission. Because the schedule is planned (salaries, supplies, etc.) we cannot refund any fees or allow make-up time.

All fees are payable in advance. A regular pay schedule will be arranged in advance and kept up to date. There will be a $1.50 late charge per week that it is late or the child will be terminated.


Because staff salaries and expenses continue even if your child is absent, you will still be required to pay for that week. If you are going on a vacation, let us know and you will pay only half for the week or weeks
you are gone in absence. Absence in excess of three weeks will require re-enrollment unless otherwise arranged with the director.


Written notification must be given 10 days in advance directly to the director and all fees paid to date of leaving.



Parents are responsible for keeping the school informed regarding change of address, and emergency information. Admission forms must be renewed at the beginning of each school year, or a year from when the child first starts, including physicians report again.


New Years Day
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day and the day after
2 days at Christmas unless it falls on a weekend

These holidays are paid holidays, so you still pay weekly even though the school was closed.


Your Child must be brought by you or an adult to the school door and not let off at the gate and they are left. If for some reason or emergencythe school was closed and you did not bring your child to the door, and you left, what would happen to your child? So, please parents, take that extrafew minutes to bring your child to the door of the school.


I hope your child will be very happy with us at our school. We offer love and warmth and we like to reassure you that we will take good care of your child. Although accidents will sometime occur, we do our best to make sure they are safe. If you have any questions about anything that we do here or way we do it, please feel free to came to me and I will try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge. Thank you for taking time out to enroll your child with us, or just for looking us over when you make your decisions on your choice of school.

Thank You Very Much,

Director – Arlene McLean

(The original publisher of the above material is unknown.)

Christian Information Network