Reasons One Should Not Lie


“For a person to be responsible and trustworthy, he must necessarily be truthful. As the title of our section states, lying disqualifies one for all responsible positions, in or out of the church. If lying produced no other results than this one, from a spiritual viewpoint, it would be sufficient to rob one of all honor and rewards here and hereafter.'”

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Reasons One Should Not Lie

By B.E. Echols

Lying Defiles and Destroys

Lying defiles and destroys one’s veracity and reputation to the extent that it makes him an unfit subject for earth and heaven. We read in Revelation 21:27, “There shall in no wise enter into it [the New Jerusalem] anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie.” Again we have the words of Jesus: “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness [some more lying], blasphemies: these are the things which defile a man (Matthew 15:19-20). The person who gets into God’s church and abides there, and who will eventually make it to heaven, must speak the truth from his heart. (See Psalm 15:1-5.)

Lying Disqualifies One for All Responsible Positions

For a person to be responsible and trustworthy, he must necessarily be truthful. As the title of our section states, lying disqualifies one for all responsible positions, in or out of the church. If lying produced no other results than this one, from a spiritual viewpoint, it would be sufficient to rob one of all honor and rewards here and hereafter. Let not anyone think that he will gain any favors with God by lying. He will rather lose all he has gained, if he has anything to lose. A pastor or leader in the church who will promote one to a responsible position, whom he knows to be untruthful (guilty of lying), is a fool, and he will reap his foolish decision. In fact, lying demotes one in God’s sight, and the same should be true with us unless one repents and forsakes such practices. Lying puts one on that downward march to ruin, destruction, and eternal punishment.

My friend, if you are guilty of lying in any form, your face is not set heavenward but is turned toward that awful pit where there is weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Let me plead with you to repent of this sin and all others and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, that you might be saved from that horrible pit. (See Luke 13:5; II Peter 3:9; Mark16:15-16; Acts 2:37-38.)

Lying Is Deceptive and Misleading

If you do not want to be guilty of leading someone astray or be the cause of someone missing heaven, you had better not lie in any manner. Even to lie about there being a Santa Claus might cause some child to be deceived to the extent he would not believe that there is a God, or that the child Jesus was ever born into the world as the Bible informs us. It is an awful thing to deceive or mislead anyone. The blood of such people will be on the guilty one’s hands when he stands before the judgment bar of God as surely as he does not repent and obtain forgiveness.