Revival Pastor’s Library

David Elms

The books in this list have been recommended by the revival pastors, as works which have helped them move ahead in faith. This is by no means a complete listing of helpful books. What we need from God will come from prayer, fasting and consecration, yet, our spiritual understanding can be greatly helped, as men share the workings of the Lord in their lives with us. Even God did not overlook the power of the written word as he commanded His men down through the centuries to write. With this understanding, these books are presented as recommended reading.

Titles Authors

The Bible (memorizing it) The LORD

The Preacher in Prayer E.M. Bounds
How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnigie

Heirs Together (for minister’s wives) Marvelle Dees
Try Giving Yourself Away David Dunn

Managing Your Time Ted W. Engstrom
Alec Mackenzie

The Art of Management for Christian Leaders Ted W. Engstrom
Edward R. Dayton

Evangelizing Your Community J.R. Ensey

Church Aflame Jerry Falwell
Elmer Towns

Bus Them In Gardiner Gentry

Worship, The Christian’s Highest Occupation Alfred Gibbs

The Writings of Bill Gother Bill Gother

The Atomic Power, Prayer and Fasting Franklin Hall

Think and Grow Rich (applied spiritually) Napoleon Hill

Building An Evangelistic Church Jack Hyles
Church Bus Handbook Jack Hyles
Hyles Church Manual Jack Hyles
Hyles Sunday School Manual Jack Hyles

Life is Tremendous Charlie T. Jones

Your Greatest Power J. Martin Kohe

Ten at the Top Lee Lebsack

Psycho-Cybernetics Maxwell Maltz

Who’s Who in the Bible Frank Mead

The Prayer Ministry of the Church Watchman Nee
Spiritual Authority Watchman Nee
Other Writings by Watchman Nee Watchman Nee

Explosion of People Evangelism Donald C. Palmer

The Power of Positive Thinking Norman V. Peale
Enthusiasm Makes the Difference Norman V. Peale

For Preachers Only J.T. Pugh
The Pentecostal Evangelist J.T. Pugh
Growth and Administrative Possibilites J.T. Pugh
For the Small Church

Why Revial Tarries Leonard Ravenhill
Sodom Had No Bible Leonard Ravenhill
Meat For Men Leonard Ravenhill
Other Writings of L. Ravenhill Leonard Ravenhill

Church Growth Stragedy Jim Roam

Spiritual Leadership J. Oswald Sanders

Move Ahead with Possiblity Thinking Robert Schuller
Your Church has Real Possiblities Robert Schuller

The Autobiographies of Great Men of God of the
Last Few Centuries

A Passion for Souls Oswald J. Smith

Lectures to my Students Charles H. Spurgeon
Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volumes Charles H. Spurgeon

The Ten Largest Sunday Schools Elmer Towns
America’s Fastest Growing Churches Elmer Towns
Getting a Church Started, In the Face of Elmer Towns
Insurmountable Odds, with Limited Resources

In Unlikely Circumstances

Pentecost – What’s That? T.F. Tenney

Winning Souls Through Buses Jim Vineyard
Jerry Falwell

Called, Chosen and Faithful – Ronnie and Marcella Wilhoite V. Arlen Guidroz

Power Witness – Mark Hanby

(The above material was published by Revial Churches for the Rapture Generation by David Elms, 1977.)

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