Seven Points Toward Effective Prayer Walking (Newsletter 2-6 Article)

Donald R. Lovell



  1. Get yourself straight

Make sure that nothing stands between you and the Lord. Assure that your heart is clean before Him and that you are prepared to hear clearly.

  1. Approach the throne with thanksgiving & praise

Come into His presence with thanksgiving and enter His gates with praise. Let the Lord know that you are elated to be His servant and that you are available to do His Will as He directs.

  1. Ask the Lord to guide direct, lead and impress you with His agenda

As you begin to traverse an area, agree with the Lord that He is the Director of your efforts and you are only present to follow His lead.

  1. Pray Accordingly

As you sense His guidance, affirm in prayer what He is saying. Become His partner in intercession for the area you have selected to pray over. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open toward His guidance.

  1. Engage in repentance

Repent of the sin that may have been committed in the place. Look for physical and spiritual signs of sin as you walk, asking for forgiveness and cleansing as you go. Expect the Father to alert you of special needs for repentance. Do not become self conscious in this area.

  1. Seek the release of bondages placed

Command that all bondages established by sin committed be broken, be done away with — “in the Powerful Name of Jesus!” Command that all the spiritual chains on the people living there, fall off — that the people be set free, “in The Name of Jesus!”

  1. Rejoice in the victory

As you near the end of your walk, enter into clamorous praise and worship — rejoicing over the cleansing of the ground from the effects of sin and the release of the prisoners that live there from the same effects. Be sure to beseech the Father to dispatch a Spirit of Adoption over the whole area so that the enemy will find it difficult to return and that the inhabitants will experience a positive disposition toward the Gospel.


The above article, “Seven Points Toward Effective Prayer Walking” was written by Donald R. Lovell. The article was excerpted from the principles found in Praise Walks.

The material is copyrighted and should not be reprinted under any other name or author. However, this material may be freely used for personal study or research purposes.

This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”