Sparkling Youth Services

Rex Johnson

I. General feeling about youth services

A. Just for the kids
B. Playing stupid games
C. In a rut
D. No interest
E. Some churches quit having youth services

II. Good youth services don’t just happen

A. Youth Leader must have initiative
B. It takes prayer

1. Far the young people
2. In order to be sensitive to spiritual and social needs

C. It takes planning and searching

1. Every program must be vigorously worked and adapted to fit your specific needs.
2. Foreplan so as to have something different and exciting. Keep out of the program rut!

III. Purpose of a Youth Service

A. Not a Sunday School class
B. Not a preaching service
C. It is an entirely different sort of gathering

1. It meets the needs for spirituality

a. Regardless of type of program planned there must be a time of Holy Ghost worship

2. It meets the needs for expression

a. In a Sunday School class, emphasis is on “taking in”
b. In a Youth Service, emphasis is on “giving out”

1) Youth service should be planned to be youth centered,

a. Youth to take part and be active in service
b. Involve all young people at various times

– Service leader
– Song leader
– Testimony leader
– Offering taker
– Taker prayer requests
– Game leader

3. It meets the needs for training

a. Many song leaders, choir directors or preachers got his or her start in youth service
b. Trains in prayer, soul winning, learning to work with others, & finding one’s place in the church

4. It meets the needs for service

a. Provides opportunity to be of service

1. Preparing a meeting
2. Calling on those who are absent
3. Singing a song
4. Visiting a shut-in

b. Unlocks a door for every young person to feel that he has a part in the kingdom of God

IV. Plan for the Needs

A. No two churches are alike

1. Locality
2. Size

B. Make your plans fit your particular group
C. Calendar plan

1. Services
2. Social activities

a) At least once a month

D. Make plans no matter what the size of your group
E. When working with youth from the outside, size will fluctuate
F. Nucleus is comprised from church young people
G. Plan your work — work your plan

V. Outline your plans

A. Take the guesswork and confusion out of youth service
B. Pray
C. Advertise
D. Decide upon the young people who are to participate
E. Notify all participants

1. Pianist
2. Singers
3. Speakers
4. Ushers
5. etc,

F. Give copies of the outline for the program to those taking leading parts.

1. Keeps things actively moving
2. Eliminates the drag

G. Start on time

VI. What to do

A. Don’t let it get in a rut
B. In order for each service to be well-planned and diversified, there must be idea springboards from which to draw

1. Train your own brain to be an “idea-springboard”

a. You know your group’s needs
b. Start a youth committee; could include

1. Pastor
2. Youth leader
3. Conqueror

c. Brainstorming good with youth committee
d. Ideas can spring around special days

1. Thanksgiving
2. July 4th
3. Graduation
4. etc.

e. Build around a theme

C. Tools

1. Books
2. Files
3. Sunday School lessons

VII. Bible games

A. Bible games turn some people off
B. Merit to Bible games

1. Competition

a. Make sure it is fair
b. The young have just as much chance as the older

2. Sharpens our “sword”

a. Provoke study and thought
b. Knowledge without pain

C. Bible games add zest of variety to your regular programs.
D. Bible games are interesting and enjoyable

VIII. Length of youth service

A. One hour to 1 1/2 hour long
B. Can be controlled only through good planning

(The original source and/or publisher of the above material is

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