Starting a Women’s Missionary Prayer Effort
Julia Bettencourt
Does your ladies group have a missionary prayer effort? It’s easy to start one. Just have someone be in charge as your Missionary Prayer Leader. Someone should be chosen that has a heart to serve and that will be willing to keep up to date on the prayer requests. If you in are in a larger church you may want to divide up the role between a few different ladies. The role of the leader(s) is to gather all of the prayer requests given through your church missionaries. The best way to do this is to take advantage of using the monthly or quarterly letters to your church from your missionaries.
The Missionary Prayer Leader Should:
1. Copy the prayer letters as they come in to keep up to date.
2. Make up a prayer list combined of your missionaries needs and special requests that they have given through their letters.
3. Type it out and give a copy to each of your ladies to prayer for.
4. Update each month and give out new lists at the same time of month each time. A good time would be your monthly ladies meeting. Some of the requests may stay on your lists continually but others will be time oriented things that can be removed. Also those requests that have been answered can be removed.
5. Make sure you make a “praise” section to put answered requests on. The leader should help keep everybody informed of prayer request and praise items.
This is a great way to help keep your ladies up to date on what your missionaries are doing and feel like they are having a part. It gets the names of your missionaries and their needs in front of your church ladies so that they can get better acquainted with your missionaries. In turn they will be able to pray with a little more knowledge than just glancing at the missionary prayer letters on the missionary bulletin board as they pass it on their way out on Sundays.
This article “Starting a Women’s Missionary Prayer Effort” written by Julian Bettencourt was excerpted from www.juliabettencourt coin.