By Unknown
The Voice of Pentecost Christian School was established in September 1971 at the request of parents in the San Francisco community. It is a private non-profit Christian School organized under the auspices of the Voice of Pentecost Church. It is registered as a private school with the state of California. The school is a charter member of both the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Pentecostal Association of Christian School (PACS).
The Voice of Pentecost Christian School includes Kindergarten through 12th grade. All teachers are born-again Christians as well as qualified educators.
The purpose of the Voice of Pentecost Christian School is to help each student to develop his full potential by maintaining high academic standards, with ample guidance in spiritual, physical, social and cultural growth.
In everything we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The school is dedicated to Him.
School Colors: Gold and Amber
School Motto: Preparing Young People to be Victorious in Life through Jesus Christ
School Song: “Living Victoriously”
The School Shall:
Teach respect for parents, adults and those in authority.
Teach students a correct perspective of themselves in relationship to God, this generation and those around them.
Educate for responsible citizenship.
Encourage and support a good family life.
Offer ample opportunity for solid academic learning from a Christian perspective.
As a result, the students will develop:
A growing Christian Character based upon an understanding of the Word of God.
A love of other people through application of Christian principles in all relationships.
An awareness of and a deep appreciation for our American heritage.
A love for the Word of God.
A rich devotional life as a source of spiritual strength.
To be eligible for enrollment, the student must:
Submit to the Christian teachings as taken from the Bible.
Conduct himself as a Christian, so that under instruction, training and admonition of the faculty, he will not present a menace to the spiritual welfare of the other students.
Comply with all the rules and regulations of the school. These are listed throughout the handbook.
Realize that corporal punishment may be administered.
For a student to be accepted in the school, parents must agree to:
Do nothing to counteract or frustrate the Christian education given to your child.
Give permission to the school to discipline your child, when and if the need arises, and to administer corporal punishment, if it becomes necessary.
Accept the opinion of the school (based upon objective tests) as to the academic placement of your child.
Be responsible for any property damaged by your child.
Agree to pay tuition on time and sign a tuition contract.
The parents or guardian must accompany the student for an interview.
An application form and a registration fee must be submitted for each student. Registration is non-refundable.
Only 25 students will be accepted per classroom.
Beginning kindergarten students must be 5 years of age on or before December 1st.
Entrance tests will be given for placement.
Proof of hospitalization insurance is required.
Proof of complete up-to-date immunizations is required.
Tuition is payable according to a choice of three plans:
One yearly payment due by the first day of school.
Two payments:
1st day of school
3rd day of January
Nine monthly payments, September 1st through May 1st. Due no later than the fifth of the month.
If tuition is not paid by the end of the month due, the student must be dropped from the school, unless other acceptable arrangements are made.
(See tuition schedule for rates)
Parents are responsible to see that their student arrives to school on time and has transportation home at the end of the school day. No student is to remain after school unless he/she is under supervision by a teacher or in an organized activity.
The school will not provide transportation.
Occasionally, a student will be asked to bring some money for special field trips, special supplies or class projects. This is kept at a minimum.
School yearbook and school pictures are an additional fee.
High school seniors are required to pay for the rental or purchase of their caps and gowns.
Beginning Math
Beginning Reading
Social Studies
Social Skills
Character Trait
Physical Education
Physical Education
Character Trait
Character Trait
Physical Education
HIGH SCHOOL (9th – 12th)
Requirements: 200 units for graduation (minimum requirement)
Bible Each Year
English 30 -40 Units
Math Minimum 10 Units
General Science 10 Units
Biology 10 Units
Social Studies 20 Units
American History 10 Units
American Government 10 Units
Guidance Each Year
Physical Education 20 – 40 Units
Health 5 Units
Foreign Languages Spanish-French-German
Each high school student is required to take full course load each year.
Work Study – Juniors or Seniors, 16 years of age with C+ average or better and most of requirements completed. Must have work study permit. See office for further information.
In April of each year students are given the Stanford Achievement Test and CTBS (Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills). This along with classroom achievement, effort and maturity is the basis on which a student is promoted or retained.
The placement of high school students is according to the number of units earned.
Sophomore (10th) 50 Units
Junior (11th) 100 Units
Senior (12th) 150 Units
Graduation 200 Units and Completion of all Requirements
Field Trips
Activities Fair
Fund Raising (candy sales, individual classroom projects)
Annual School Picnic
Christmas Pageant
High School Graduation
Report cards are issued quarterly. Letter grades (A,B,C,D & F) are used. Parents are urged to contact the school any time a need concerning a student’s grade arises.
The Kindergarten through 4th grade have a mid-morning snack. Please send a small snack with them each day. We find that this helps their morning studies.
Students either bring a bag lunch to school or they may purchase Stewart Hot Sandwiches and milk which are sold at lunch period.
Bible, Rug, 8 large crayons, large no. 2 pencils, paste, blunt scissors, apron for painting, small shoe box or tool box (plastic) for keeping supplies in.
Bible, crayons, water colors & brush, large no. 2 pencils, paste, blunt-edged scissors, pencil case.
Bible, lined paper, crayons, regular no. 2 pencils, paste, blunt scissors, pencil case, water colors.
Third & Fourth:
Bible, lined paper, no. 2 pencils, crayons, glue, scissors, ruler, notebook with pencil case, water colors.
Fifth & Sixth:
Bible, dictionary, lined paper, no. 2 pencils, ball point pen, glue, scissors, ruler, notebook with pencil holder, colored pencils or crayons.
Seventh & Eighth:
Bible, dictionary, lined paper, no. 2 pencils, pens, notebook, compass, ruler, tennis shoes.
High School:
Bible, dictionary, lined paper, folder, no. 2 pencils, pens, compass, ruler, colored pencils, notebook, tennis shoes.
Each student is expected to have these supplies at school every day.
The Voice of Pentecost Christian School does not have uniforms, but we do believe in modest apparel and in dressing neatly.
Boys must wear an over shirt and hair must be trimmed neatly, not over the ears, collar or eyes. Sideburns may not be lower than the middle of the ear. No sweatsuits are allowed for regular classes. Young men must be clean shaven.
Girls are not permitted to wear sleeveless or low-necked clothing. Sleeves must come to the middle of the upper arm or be longer. Gauchos, pants, slacks, or shorts will not be permitted.
Girls must wear skirts or dresses which when kneeling touch the floor.
No make-up, fingernail polish or lipstick is permitted.
Except for the wearing of 1 ring, no jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, etc.) will be permitted. Wearing curlers to school is not permitted.
If the dress code is not followed, a student will be sent home.
Personal grooming is not permitted in the classrooms.
If a student is to be excused from a physical activity, a note from a physician must be sent to the teacher. The school, otherwise, requires participation in the physical education program.
All students upon enrollment for the first time are required to have a physical and bring a doctor’s certificate of the same for the school file.
A complete up-to-date immunization record is required of every student in order to be enrolled. This is a state law.
All dental and doctor appointments, throughout the year are requested to be made for after school hours.
The following rules have been established as standards of conduct at our school. The cooperation of parents is urged in order to help students understand and observe these regulations.
All absentees must be cleared with the school by parents on the day of the absence by phoning the school. When the student returns to school they must bring a note explaining the absence. Absences are excused for illness or death in the family.
If the absence is excused, a student is responsible to make up the missed work during the absence.
Any unexcused absence will result in a failing grade for that day’s work with no opportunity to make it up.
If a student is absent more than four days due to illness, he/she must return to school with a written doctor’s excuse.
In the case of an extended excused absence, arrangements must be made with the teacher for studies to be done at home during this time.
Tardiness (unexcused) carries the possible penalty of a lower grade. If a student is tardy more than three times in a marking period, we request to speak with the parents. Excessive absence or tardiness means that a student will not be enrolled for the following year.
Individuals, other than parents, who pick up students at school must be identified. A note should be sent to the school office prior to this, and a definite verification on the part of the parent should be obtained to guarantee the individual’s identity.
No student is to leave the school premises at any time, for any reason, unless he has special permission to do so. This rule is in effect form the time of arrival until departure by the usual means used for transportation to and from school.
Students will not enter the church auditorium during the school day except by permission from the teacher or office.
The telephone may be used only for an emergency or school business. No student or teacher will be called from class for telephone calls except in case of emergency. Parents desiring to contact a teacher or student may leave their number, requesting a return call at a convenient time.
Students will be sent home when their temperature is above 99 degrees, or when they show signs of illness. Parents will be notified to pick up the ill child at school. Parents are requested not to send their children to school when there are definite symptoms of illness.
Each student should speak or act in such a way that he/she will not hurt others. Toy guns, pocket knives, lasso ropes and other dangerous items are not permitted at school. Immoral literature and horror literature are not allowed. Comic books, magazines and newspapers are allowed. Comic books, magazines and newspapers are allowed only if approved by the home-room teacher and principal.
Un-enrolled children or adults will not be permitted to be on the school premises at any time unless they obtain permission from the school office. Any student who wants to bring a visitor must obtain permission from the office the day before.
Gum chewing is strictly forbidden anywhere on the premises.
Fighting, profanity or obscenity will not be tolerated.
Discipline is basically the problem of the classroom teacher or the teacher in charge of a particular student at any given time. correction shall be administered in love and never in anger.
Reasonable corporal punishment may be administered. Repeated disciplinary action will be grounds for expelling from the school. A confidential policy regarding corporal punishment is available for review in the school office.
Loitering in the restrooms is not permitted. Permission to go to the office or any other classroom must be obtained from the teacher.
Church and school property are to be treated with care. Any damage is to be reported. A charge for careless damaging of property will be made to cover the cost of the damage.
Textbooks must be treated with care. A fine will be made for writing in, careless treatment, or loss.
The school is not responsible for personal property left in the building or premises. Each student’s personal property should be properly marked. Tape recorders, radios, calculators and expensive
toys should not be brought to school unless instructed by a teacher.
Students are not allowed to wear one another’s clothes, shoes, coats, etc.
Students may be suspended for major violations for a period not to exceed three consecutive school days. A teacher may recommend the suspension of a student but the action shall be taken by the
principal. School work missed during this time cannot be made up.
The parents or guardian of the suspended student will be notified and must accompany the student for counseling before he/she can be readmitted to the school.
Students may be expelled for continual insubordination or after three suspensions. Such action shall be taken by the governing board. No student shall be readmitted during the school year in which he/she was expelled.
An expelled student may be admitted for another semester only by action of the board.
The refusal to follow a reasonable directive of a teacher or administrator will be considered insubordination and will result in immediate suspension. The directives of a teacher or administrator
shall be presumed reasonable and therefore the burden of proving the directive unreasonable will be upon the student.
The staff of our school believes a good attitude for both parents and child is important in the learning process. Since you, as parents, come first in the lives of your children, we believe your attitude and beliefs will have a great effect on your child’s learning.
We suggest the following points to insure a better outlook for your child’s education:
Take an active interest in your child’s school work.
Praise him for work well done.
Require your child to do the homework assignments given.
Help your child with the homework, when needed, but don’t do it for him.
Make sure your child gets up early enough to get a good breakfast and arrives to school on time.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping your child to be a better student.
We strive in every way to work with parents. Family, church and school work together to help our students grow into fine Christian people. Our goal is to help strengthen the family structure.
It is requested that at least on conference per year be held with each parent and teacher.
Parents, teachers and staff members of our Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) which meets throughout the school year for the purpose of working together, fellowship and fund raising activities.
(The above material was published by the Voice of Pentecost Christian School.)
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