Summer Suggestions For Evangelism

Summer Suggestions For Evangelism
By Tom Bell

In his inspiring (and very do-able) book Just Walk Across the Room,
Bill Hybels reports “a dangerous trend that is alive and well in many evangelical
churches.  The longer a person attends church, the fewer evangelistic discussions
they engage in with family members and friends.”

“Instead of walking toward people who need God’s redemptive love,” Hybels continues, “they step into a mode of no longer wanting anything to do with them.  Self-proclaimed followers of Jesus Christ develop an aversion to nonbelievers, going to all lengths to avoid the exact people Christ came to redeem.”

Then Hybels makes a riveting statement, “Even the most “Christlike” Christians on the planet will be totally ineffective unless they get near people who are living far from God.”

Most of us need help building relationships with people far from God so that we
earn the trust and the right to share our faith.  Summer is an ideal season to do just that.

This summer, do something fun to get to know new people and build relationships.

Take advantage of the weather, relaxed schedules, and the desire of others to build relationships by trying one of these:

1. Host a simple neighborhood BBQ one evening or on the 4th of July
2. Join the local YMCA or cabana pool club to meet new families
3. Go for walks around the block seeking to connect with neighbors
4. Go for walks around the block with your neighbor
5. Launch a Neighborhood Bible Study using the guide Conversations with Jesus.
6. Set up play dates for your kids and the neighborhood kids
7. Coach or be a team mother or father for a children’s sports team
8. Build on the relationships you already have with people who are not Christ followers
9. ______________________________ (you fill in the blank!)

What will you do this summer to get near people far from God?

This article “Summer Suggestions For Evangelism” by Rev! Magazine, Nov. 2008.