Summer weather will soon be upon us. It’s time to plan various evangelism events to bring in visitors. Remember that visitors are your absolute best prospects – 100% of your new converts come from your church guests. Therefore, the importance of guest follow-up must be stressed: only about 5% receive the Holy Ghost the first time they come, so your growth depends upon getting your visitors to make return visits (i.e. you need a Visitor Follow-up Ministry). So here are some summer time activities to increase your visitor flow:
Summer Tent Crusade – Rent a large tent and get permission to set it up in a vacant lot in your target area. Large banners are a must. Obtain needed permits. Flood the neighborhood with flyers. Free food helps! Preach with revival fervor.
Summer Block Party – Great church parking lot event. Rent inflatables. Game booths. Balloons and hotdogs. Prize drawing gets you names and addresses for follow-up. Flat top trailer makes a great stage. Singing and preaching concludes with good altar call.
Summer Evening Prayer Walks – Walk the neighborhood in large groups (the more the better). Carry signs on pickets of who you are, including slogans. Pass out tracts. Walk and pray. Sing. Advance workers knock on doors collecting prayer requests. The entire group pauses in front of the home with the request and prays as only Apostolics can pray. Invite to church. Offer a HBS.
Summer Concert In The Park – Obtain permits to hold park concert with preaching. Flood neighborhood with flyers. Choir. Special groups. Worship. Short sermon. Altar call.
Vacation Bible School – This event needs no explanation. A must to grow your Sunday school.