Sunday School Growth Evaluation Checklist

Tim Massengale


The basic principles of Sunday School growth can be broken to four main categories: prospects, outreach, incorporation, and goals. See how your Sunday School measures up! With one point for each yes, use the following  scale: (14-12) excellent; (11-9) good; (8-6) fair; (5-0) needs  improvement.


1. We have a workable plan for identifying prospects for our ___ ___ Sunday School.

2. We have a workable strategy for reaching and winning these prospects. ___ ___

3. Each Sunday School class has a specific and workable follow-up strategy for visitors. ___ ___

4. Specific people are responsible, every Sunday, for  escorting visitors to the most appropriate classes, and
for making sure they are introduced to a number of class members. ___ ___


5. There is a regular encouragement for Sunday School members to bring friends/relatives to Sunday School. ___ ___

6. Our classes sponsor regular activities outside the one-hour Sunday meeting which are designed to build
friendships and relationships in the church. ___ ___

7. Our Sunday School program includes a regular training program in outreach/evangelism. ___ ___


8. We have a regular procedure for following up  absentees/dropouts. ___ ___

9. We have regular classes specifically designed for new converts. ___ ___

10. There is an active and continuing effort to provide a role, task, or other kind of involvement experience
to as many Sunday School members as possible. ___ __

11. Classes keep records to recognize and celebrate special occasions in class members’ lives (e.g. birthdays,
anniversaries, retirements, etc.) ___ ___


12. Every Sunday School class is encouraged to set  membership and/or attendance goals. ___ ___

13. There is a yearly goal for the entire Sunday School which has been broken down into monthly goals. ___ ___

14. A specific plan of action has been worked out to enable us to easily reach our monthly/yearly goals. ___ ___



1. Set an Overall Goal.

Prepare a poster with the goal (30). Write it on the chalkboard Saturate  the church with the overall goal (500). Put it in Spanish, Greek, German.  Upper and lower case numbers. Gothic and Roman numerals.

2. Get Names of New Prospects.

Have each pupil write two names down.

3. Assign Prospect Responsibility.

“People expect what you inspect.” G.M. in Detroit’s philosophy. Teacher  take care of this week by week. See the Job is done.

4. Phone Every Prospect During Each Attendance Drive.

5. Send Mail to Each Prospect.

Revivals – Special Events, etc.

6. Visit Every Prospect. Put the “Go” in the Gospel.

7. Start a Class Newspaper (if class is large enough).

8. Name Your Class with an Active Name.

9. Post Attendance (divide class into two teams).

10. Get a Motto.

“Fat is Beautiful” – Weigh in each side each week. The side with the most weight wins.

11. Get a Logo for Your Class.

12. Give Out Buttons with “I am one of the 500”.

13. Stretch Your Faith.

“Pray for the 500 each day at each meal.”

14. Choose a Good Day for the Attendance Drive.

15. WORK

Still the way we spell the Increase of Your Class.

(The above material was published by the Sunday School Division of the United Pentecostal Church International in Hazelwood, MO.)

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