Ten Things Every Father (or Mother): Should Teach Their Children
By Dr. T. R. Follwer
1. Put God first in all things – time, talent, and finance.
2. When you lose the things that money can’t buy (i.e. love, joy, salvation, peace) you will not enjoy the things that money CAN buy.
3. Nothing is impossible with God.
4. God will forgive you always and every time.
5. God’s more concerned with your character than anything else.
6. Prayer will touch God and will put God’s power into your hands.
7. You can be an individual and still be dependant upon God.
8. Be content with what you have but never be content with what you are. Always strive to be better.
9. You teach some things by what you say, more by what you do, but most by who you ARE.
10. Your potential is unlimited.