Victory and Prayer






“While victory is promised, I must realize that prayer helps me to recognize victory at work in my life. If I have no effective prayer life, as God moves in my life I only think it is coincidental. It just happened. Nothing more. Or worse yet, I think that God is moving because He owes me what I want.”

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Victory and Prayer

By James Holland Sr.

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Hebrews 11:13).

What about the life of victory and my prayer life? How do they complement one another? Can I have victory without a prayer life? Or can I have a prayer life and still not enjoy the victory that God has for me?

These are questions that must realistically be addressed if we want our walk to be meaningful and pleasing to God. It is very important that we see and make the connection between our victory and our prayer life.

While victory is promised, I must realize that prayer helps me to recognize victory at work in my life. If I have no effective prayer life, as God moves in my life I only think it is coincidental. It just happened. Nothing more. Or worse yet, I think that God is moving because He owes me what I want.

We are actually commanded by Scripture to pray. Prayer is vital to our spiritual survival and to know what God would desire to do for us and with us.

Can I have victory without a prayer life? No! Actually many believers are successful in reaching some level of overcoming without a prayer life. They do it by sheer willpower. However, it must be noted that no one will ever know the biblical victory that God has for us without a viable, ongoing prayer life.

Can I have a prayer life but have no victory? Yes! There are many reasons why some believers have an ongoing prayer life yet have never experienced the victory that God desires for them to have. Space will not permit us to look at them all; however, I do want to share a few of the reasons.

Selfishness is a main reason that while many may be involved in praying, they still are not walking in victory.

Let me give you some good news and some bad news. The bad news first: God doesn’t need you or me. He was doing fine before we came along, and He will do fine long after we have left the world’s scene. Many times, we think we are bringing to God something that He must have to be God. He’s already God! While God wants us to manifest goodness, purity, and ability used properly, as well as faithfulness, it is imperative that we realize God already possesses all of these things; we are not overly impressing Him with ours!