The Divine First of All

Supplication therefore, is the language of a trusting heart in God, and also, the language of a humble heart which runs to Him who is the all sufficient being. Such attitude and feeling in the heart of the believer in Christ is one of the most delightful thing before our Heavenly Father. Let us therefore value the Spirit given order and first of all supplicate.

By Andrew Urshan

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“I exhort, therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayer, intercessions, thanksgiving, be made for all men.” I Timothy 2:1.


First of all, we all believe that the Apostle is writing under the inspiration of the Spirit to his beloved son in the faith, Timothy. His exhortation is a vital one. It is portraying the divine system, which bears God’s will and mind concerning His people on the earth. To the end that they may: first, please their God: second, to be occupied with the effectual ministry, both toward Him and their fellow men: third, in doing so, they may reap the temporal and eternal benefits therefrom.


The Divine System


Our great God is always the God of perfect order and all His wonderful creation. Look to the heavens and see every star in its own horizon, moving, shining and declaring the glory of God. We are told that, even in the heaven of heavens, God has arranged that two archangels shall lead the legions of other angels. Look on the Earth and you will see again everything beautifully arranged. Look on your own constitution and you will observe again the perfect order of the only wise god. So God is the God of order and not a God of confusion.


Men of the world have discovered the value of system and they have adopted it for their domestic and business welfare. But it must always be remembered that God’s order and God’s system is not man’s. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord; for as the heavens are higher than your ways and my thoughts than you thoughts.” Yet it is a heaven born gift of God for man to be filled with the Spirit, will, and ways of God: and be governed by his supreme Creator and prosper in whatsoever he does. It is for this very thing he does all his actions systematically. The fact is evident in Apostle exhorts the Church that she may get in the divine order. Let us therefore heed this wise counsel and start our first of all with supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving thanks.


Word of Explanation


Why first of all supplications? For to supplicate is to turn to God with and earnest entreat. Hence, “In the beginning God…” If we wish God to begin to bless us, we must never forget the eternal order, that God is The First. He must be recognized to be supreme before all things, and that we do all things in His holy name.


As soon as this takes place, the wonderful Creator will begin to create and recreate His good things in us and through us.


Again, to supplicate first, is not only to turn to God, recognizing Him as the one who is worthy of our first thought, word and action; but it is a confession of our absolute dependence on Him.

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