The Ideal Choir Member
By, Lindel Anderson
I. Understands the function of the ministry of the Choir.
Singing to:
1) Reach to Sinners
2) Uplift Saints
3) Magnify the Lord/Praise
II. Feels a burden (Consistent) of Choir Ministry
III. Dependable
A. At all rehearsals and performances except:
1) Illness
2) Out of town
3) Work
4) Unusual
B. I have come to appreciate the faithful ones.
C. Anybody can come up with an excuse.
IV. Punctuality
A. A matter of priorities
B. A thing of life
V. Sacrifices personal goals for group goals
A. Sacrifices individuality for group effectiveness.
B. Is content not to draw attention to self.
C. Conforms to guidelines of dress code.
VI. Is an example of Church standards in deed and spirit.
VII. Friendly
A. Other choir members
B. Visitors
C. Other Saints – If you are friendly to someone else who is
friendly, what reward have you?
D. Important to be friendly to visitors and sinners because they
are seen and are standard for values of the church.
E. Choir is the groups that needs to say they have something in
the songs they sing.
VIII. Sing to their best ability
A. Rehearsal
B. Performance — It’s not how good a voice you have; it�s how
you hard you try.
XI. Posture
A. Sits up straight
B. Back- not against the back of chair
C. Both feet on the floor (One slightly ahead of the other)
D. When standing – a feeling of lift
XII. Never chews gum
Thinks about the message of the song; becomes engrossed in the
message of the song
XIV. Prays for the anointing of the choir singing
XV. Respects:
A. Choir Director
B. Pastor
XVI. Is not critical of choir director
A. Does not verbalize opinion of likes and dis-likes of choir
1) Choice of songs
2) Techniques
3) Musicianship
VII. Prays for God’s Direction and Guidance of Choir Director
XVIII. Stops rumors and gossip by other
A. Choir members
B. Non-Choir members
XIX. Heads off comments by other members intended to spread:
A. Malice
B. To Hurt
C. To Divide
D. To Create Strife
How does choir director handle choir members creating division.
Strife, etc.?
A. Decides whether to talk to:
1) Entire Choir
2) Section; Women/Men
3) Person that is causing problem.
(Example, Choir Uniforms)
XX. Let’s choir Director know he is supporting him
A. In word
B. In Action (actions always speak louder than words)
XXI. Keeps ears open for new material that might be of interest to
the director
A. This can be done tactfully and in the right spirit
B. No bad feelings if the director doesn’t like the song, etc.
XXII. Discipline during Rehearsals
A. Don’t waste time of the choir director and other choir
members with the director having to stop and ask for
everyone’s attention, etc
B. Choir’s appearance (talking, etc.) during the service when
the choir is not singing, especially if sitting on the platform