The Last Lamb

But Jesus marked the moment with these powerful words, “This is your hour,” Jesus said, “and the power of’ darkness.” This well orchestrated mob assault coming from Hell, set His words aside, missed the revelation of the moment. Soldiers pressed closer while lifting torches high into the air to see the Nazarene. The shadows of the night danced with shifting images as the evening breeze brushed against the branches and leaves.

By Bill Davis

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“This is your hour, and the power of darkness.”

(Luke 22:53)


The crowd did not understand the strong, stunning words of Jesus that night in the Garden. They were not able to comprehend the terrible conflict that was underway. Forces that had opposed each other for hundreds of years were now in the same arena. Besides, who pays attention to a prisoner’s words anyway? In a few hours, this man would be history.


Jesus was relinquishing this hour, this moment in time to Hell’s bitter intentions, but only to fulfill the Divine Purpose of God. The Power of Light and the Forces of darkness were standing face to face. The contrasts were sharp and clearly defined. The emerging battle in the spirit world would affect humanity, all of humanity, for all time and eternity.


The Divine intentions of God and the satanic plans of the devil were materializing in this garden. The garden, a place of beauty and lovely fragrances was host to the conflict that had been planned before the world was. The blood on Jesus’ face was the first visible signs of this battle, and the fact that he was standing was testimony—he was the Victor! Satan was tending to a bruised head!


The Supper of our Lord with his disciples was over. He had washed their feet and taught them the lesson of serving. He had explained that greatness in His kingdom was not measured by fame and position, as it was with the Gentiles, but rather in serving. And in the midst of this fellowship and last gathering, the traitor had slipped out into the night to keep his rendezvous with the enemies of the Lamb of God.


This night the disciples had been encouraged to pray on two occasions. Peter, James and John were pulled deeper into the mystery of Jesus’ conflict with Hell. They mumbled a few words of prayer and then slipped into sleep. They probably had no real understanding of how or what to pray about. The seriousness of this time had not penetrated their simple minds or spirits. The forces of evil were taking their places in this crucial hour for a face off. Everything was falling into place like a well-scripted play. Each person behaved as if he had lived a lifetime in preparation for his part.


Judas had collected his funds for the tragic deal of betrayal. There was not enough money to save, to invest for the future. Thirty pieces of silver was not much, but better than nothing. Only enough to seal and fulfill judgment against his soul. He was now leading a band of soldiers to the sacred place of prayer. How sad for Judas. How pathetically sad. He was so unaware that the seed of the woman had just crushed the head of Satan. It had been a long day and it would be a longer night as well.

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