Ushers: Official Representatives



A. Starting Right.

1. Hold ushering in high esteem.

2. The working motto of an usher is, “I SERVE THE LORD.”

3. Resolve to give ushering the best that is in you.

4. Give the Lord first place in your own heart before you usher others.

5. Be a consecrated Christian usher who always prays about your service to God’s people.


A. Meeting the Guest,

1. The way in which things are done is often more important than the things themselves.

2. Present a neat personal appearance.

3. Your duty is to make people comfortable.

4. Let your every expression convey the idea of friendliness.

5. Shabby treatment at the church door will put many people into the strange mood of expecting shabby treatment from the pulpit.

6. Greet your guest by looking into his face. He is a fellow human being; a personality. Meet him as such.

7. Call each guest by name if you know it.

8. Be friendly without intruding yourself upon your guest to any degree of offense. People are different. Study each guest with a view to pleasing.

9. Be manly. Be sincere.

10. Never embarrass a guest. You are not there to administer discipline, but to assist him.

11. Make no exceptions in the display of courtesy, even when guests are unresponsive and cold and when they meet your proper advances with a rebuff.

12. Guard against favoritism.

13. Steer clear of ruts, Keep growing. Do not say the same thing to everyone. Do things differently.

B. Seating the Guest.

1. Study the room. Know where every available seat is. Be prepared before the guest arrives.

2. Have your own idea about where people should be seated, but do not forget that your principal duty is to make them comfortable. Ask if they have any preference if you detect they are particular about where
they wish to sit.

3. Generally speaking, the audience should be seated well forward.

4. Seat people tactfully.

5. Seat strangers to the front provided it is not distasteful to them.

6. Seat strangers in pews occupied by church members.

7. Select front seats for elderly people.

8. Seat hard-of-hearing people near speakers and/or hearing aid devices.

9. Do not walk too rapidly. Keep but a pace or two in front of your guest.

10. Help the feeble and/or near-sighted by offering physical aid to them in seating them,

11. During prayer the reading of the scriptures or the rendition of special musical numbers, all newcomers should be quietly detained in the Foyer.

12. When seats are limited in number, see that each pew is seated to capacity.

13. The usher should personally attend to any rearrangements that are necessary. Never direct a newcomer to such a pew and then leave to push in as best he can.

14. Always conduct your guest to his seat. Never direct him. A pointing finger is a mark of a poor usher.

15. When many people are waiting to be seated, courteously make it clear how many are to follow you and how many are to wait for your return.

16. When your guest slips into a seat of his own choosing, allowing you to continue up the aisle alone, do not make the mistake of showing displeasure. Accept the situation gracefully. Do not take it as a personal affront.

17. Sometime when you are engaged or somewhat off guard, a guest may pass you unobserved and timidly start up the aisle searching for a seat. If you discover that this has happened, go quickly to his aide, and with grace play the part of a host.

C. Attending To The Comfort Of The Guest.

1. Finding a seat for your guest does not terminate your responsibility. He is your guest for the entire service. You are tied up to him. Do not forget him.

2. See that your guests have everything they need for the service.

3. Little courtesies make a good usher.

4. If you have any reason to think that one whom you have seated is uncomfortable, seek to discover the reason and remedy it.

5. Be alert when your guests are uncomfortable and do not ask everyone how they are feeling, but you will need no more than your eyes to know the remedy for the discomforture.

6. Special effort should be made when attending to your guests’ comfort to attract as little attention as possible, lest others be disturbed, to the embarrassment of your guest.

D. The After Touch.

1. The true host not only greets his guest upon his arrival and looks after his pleasure and comfort while he remains, but he also shows for him a friendly concern at his departure.

2. In many cases real good can be accomplished by speaking a word to the guest as he passes down the aisle or through the doorway.

3. Have your book and pencil ready for names and addresses of prospective members; make notes of cases of the sick and troubled who would appreciate the Pastor’s attention and of any other facts which your pastor would be glad to have.

4. Should it ever happen that a visitor whom you have seated with others has received from them some rebuff or sign of inhospitably, you must make a special effort to overcome the effect of such treatment. Get in touch with him at the close of the service and express your regrets at the occurrence.

5. The highest service one can do for another is to lead him to the Lord. As an usher, you will have many opportunities. Be prayerful about this.


A. Relations To The Head Usher.

1. Be a good soldier. Respect the word of the Head Usher.

2. Perform your service in the section of the room allotted to you. Do not go into another usher’s territory.

3. Back him up by being dependable.

4. Being on time as an usher is always considered a mark of efficiency.

5. If you find that for good reasons, you cannot be at your post of duty, notify the head usher at the very earliest possible moment so that he can fill your place with a substitute. Do not fail him at this point.

6. Help your leader to bring the standard of the work to as high a point as possible.

7. Do not be one who is contentious.

B. Relations To His Fellow Ushers.

1. It is of the highest importance that a good spirit shall exist between all who are engaged in this work.

2. Be especially thoughtful and considerate of those who have had little experience in ushering.

3. Team work counts. Do not shirk of shift responsibility.


1. The same courtesy should be shown to the fellow church members and regular attendant as to the stranger.

2. Cultivate the happy art of “MISSING PEOPLE”. When you observe that regular attendants are absent, make a note of the fact so that upon their return, you can tell them they are missed.

3. It should be your constant aim to foster the spirit of hospitality through-out the entire church.

4. Talk to individuals, to groups, and to organizations. Convince them that warm-hearted friendliness in the church pays big spiritual dividends.

5. Some of your members will need to be constantly reminded of this duty of fostering the spirit of hospitality throughout the church. Watch for your opportunities.

6. Give special attention to those members who appear to be lacking this friendly spirit.


1. Few things are of greater value to any leader than the mental grasp of the possibilities of his work. As head usher, you must properly esteem its opportunity and responsibility. Start out with a worthy vision. Pray.

2. Always have your ushers in position 15 minutes before the service starts.

3. It is of real importance that you see this work as true Christian service; as chosen by your pastor to lead others in the matter of representing the Lord.

4. You must always, in the performance of your duty, think of yourself as host; and of the visitor as your guest.

5. Think of your guests as worshipers.

6. There is no element in the vision of your work quite so important as that which links each guest with the Lord.

7. Constantly call to mind that God uses His servants.


1. Head Usher.

2. Assistants.

3. Ushers.

a. These are carefully chosen by the Pastor with a view to their ability and consecration.

b. As to age of the men selected, much depends upon circumstances. Personality should have precedence over age.

c. It is not a good thing to let the impression get abroad that anybody and everybody in the church may help in this work of ushering if he wants to serve. It must be a picked body of men.

4. Reserves.


A. Ushers – Job Description


a. Must be an example of Christian character.

b. Must have proven faithful in all prior church work.

c. Must have a good personality and be well groomed.

d. Must be full of the Holy Ghost and faithful in giving.

e. Must be able to arrive early before service.


a. Responsible for being well groomed and dressed.

b. Always have good breath! (Please don’t chew gum)

c. Make a good first impression on all visitors.

d. Be sure to come early to PRAY!

e. Always wear your Usher’s badge.

f. Be at your post 30 min. before service begins. If visitors have  already arrived (often happens) be sure to greet them.

g. BE FAITHFUL! Call your team captain if you will be late or absent  Always find a replacement to take your place.

h. Always display a warm and cordial smile.

i. Speak to folks by name if you know them. Learn new converts names.

j. Always keep your eye open for vacant seats.

k. Try to greet visitors as they are coming INTO the Sanctuary. The Hostess should introduce them to you.

l. Always extend a firm handshake unless their hands are full.

m. When ever you see parents with a small child or baby, be sure to mention the Church nursery. (or S.S. classes)

n. Introduce yourself to all visitors. Example:

“Praise the Lord” My name is” (Let them respond) “The Lord bless you! So good to have you with us this morning. Let me help you find a seat.

o. Always ask the visitor if they know anyone that attends the church here.

If they do, ask if they wish to sit by them.

p. If not try to seat visitors about mid-way down.(a special reserved area is being considered) Say “We have an excellent location about half way down this aisle,(point) would that be alright?”

q. Use discretion who you sit visitors by.

r. Don’t just point them to a seat, TAKE them to the seat!

s. Don’t walk too fast or too far ahead of them.

t. Upon arriving at the seat stop and say “is this satisfactory?”

u. If they accept say “If I can be of any more help, please let me know” Smile, nod your head, and return to your post.

v. Try to introduce them to someone sitting near.

w. Make sure a song book is available.

x. Place the seating location of all visitors on the seating location map.

y. Remain on duty through out the service.

z. Rotate at standing by all sanctuary exits.

aa. Do not allow children to wander repeatedly in and out of service.

bb. If you observe children or teenagers talking, etc. discreetly ask them to be quiet.

cc. Make sure you turn in your badge before you leave.

dd. If you are assigned to close up, USE THE CHECK-OFF LIST! Don’t check unless you have done it.

ee. Don’t rush folks in close-up. Fellowship is important.

ff. Be faithful to all monthly ushering staff meetings.

B. Hostess – Job Description


a. Must be an example of Christian character.

b. Must have proven faithful in all prior church work.

c. Must have a good personality and be well groomed.

d. Must be full of the Holy Ghost and faithful in giving.

e. Must be able to arrive early before service.


a. Responsible for being well groomed and dressed.

b. Always have good breath (Please don’t chew gum)

c. Make a good first impression on all visitors.

d. Be sure to come early to PRAY!

e. Always wear your Hostess badge.

f. Be at your post 30 min. before service begins. If visitors have already arrived (often happens) be sure to greet them and ask them to fill out a guest card at their seat.

g. BE FAITHFUL! Call your team captain if you will be late or absent. Always find a replacement to take your place.

h. Set up your portable podium and get your supplies ready. (Guest cards, pens, and brochures)

i. Always display a warm and cordial smile.

j. Speak to folks by name if you know them. Learn new converts names.

k. Try to greet visitors as they are coming INTO the vestibule. Stand so that you can see them coming clearly.

l. Always extend a firm handshake (unless their hands are full)

m. Introduce yourself to all visitors. Example:

“Praise the Lord! My name is ” (let them respond)

“The Lord bless you! So good to have you with us this morning. Can we ask you to fill out one of our guest cards? (direct them toward the guest podium)

n. Make sure that the guest card is filled out completely. Ask them specific questions if any part is left blank. (be cordial)

o. Tell them “thank-you” and give them a visitor packet or brochure.

p. When ever you see parents with a small child or baby, be sure to mention the Church nursery.(or S. S. classes)

q. Introduce them to an usher, letting the guest know that he will assist them in finding a seat.

r. Remain at your posts until the end of song service.

s. Put your hostess supplies and podium away before you are seated.

t. Be faithful to all monthly ushering staff meetings.

C. Usher Team Captain – Job Description


a. Must be an example of Christian character.

b. Must have proven faithful in all prior church work.

c. Must have a good personality and be well groomed.

d. Must be full of the Holy Ghost and faithful in giving.

e. Must be able to arrive early before service.


a. The Team Captain should be one of the first to arrive. If you cannot do this, have someone on your team take this responsibility.

b. The air/heat and baptistery heater should already be on. If it is not turn on the power blowers and baptistery first thing.

c. Go through the Check-in list and open up the church. Don’t forget to put your name and date at the top!

d. Prayer room time is a must.

e. In the event of an uninformed absences, always try to find a replacement.

f. Make casual mention to your team members of any grooming or dress violations.

g. Make sure all your team members have badges. Count your badges to insure all are collected.

h. Make sure all visitors names are placed on the seating location list and that this list is taken to the Pastor during the offering.

i. Insure there is adequate personnel to take up the offering.

j. All ushers should step down the isle at the same time to take the offering.

k. If seating capacity exceeds 90%, open overflow seating facilities.

l. Be on the alert for any emergency situations. Take full charge and handle the problem discreetly.

m. Have your ushers rotate to check the parking lot about every 15-20 min. Halls and vestibule should be clear also. This is very important.

n. Make sure the sanctuary doorkeepers rotate through out the service.

o. Assign someone to close up. The check-off list MUST be used. Don’t check it off unless you have done it.

p. Security lights outside should be left on.

q. Observe all other responsibilities that are on the ushers job description.

r. Attend monthly ushers staff meetings.

Emergency Procedures

1. If an unusual person tries to go onto the platform:

The instant they make an aggressive move toward the platform , a large group should begin to move. Restrain, but never strike! Overwhelm them with numbers.

2. Someone gets loud or insulting:

Ask them to be quiet ONCE, then ask them to leave.

3. Someone pulls a gun:

Three types of people will pull a weapon in a public place:

A. Show of Authority. You will see the gun. He will wave it around. He is using the gun to make a statement. DO NOT RUSH OR TRY TO SUBDUE! They will make a statement/rob people, then leave. Call police immediately. Help pastor calm people.

B. After an Individual. You will normally never NEVER see the gun until after it is fired (or too late to stop). DO NOT RUSH OR SUBDUE. They will normally run out or commit suicide. Call police and ambulance immediately.

C. Mad Man or Maniac. Fires randomly at anyone or everyone. GET DOWN! If you have the chance, subdue with force. Call police and ambulance immediately!

4. Fire breaks out:

Outside – Get fire extinguishers immediately. If unable to contain, call Fire Department(sound room).

Inside – Same as above. If unable to contain, send note to platform, call Fire Department.

5. Someone requires medical attention:

If they can walk, assist them out of sanctuary. Get one of the following individuals: Jeff or Gilmer Phillips, Mark Green, Margaret Marritt, Debbie Oswald. Call ambulance if needed.

6. Emergency Phone Call for individual or Pastor.

Give a note to the person immediately.

(The original source and/or publisher of the above material is unknown. The Job Descriptions are by Tim Massengale.)

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