*Acts 6:1-4
*Ex. 18:17-22


1. Positiveness (The ability to work with and see people and situations in a positive way.)

A. Two reasons people fall is that they….
1. Fear-
2. Anticipate failure

B. Marks of a Positive Person
1. Enthusiasm
2. Self Confident
3. Creativity
4. Persistence
5. Solution Conscience
6. Likable
7. Action oriented
8. Initiative
9. Generous
10. Success oriented

2. Servanthood (The willingness to submit, play team ball and follow the leader).

A. You become a part of the Leaders Team. You enter into his ministry. His vision becomes yours.

B. “The measure of a man is not how many servant he has, but how many men he serves.”

C. A servant is someone who sees a need and takes personal responsibility to meet the need.

D. Questions a Servant Asks About The Leader.

1. What load is he carrying at this time?
2. How can I lift his load?
3. In what ways can I demonstrate helpfulness to him?
4. Is he doing anything that I can do?

3. Growth Potential (The ability to keep growing as the job expands. A hunger for growth and personal development.)

A. No Tree Is ever full-grown. If a tree is still living it is Still growing. When a tree stops growing it is dead. Giant Redwood  2500 yrs old.

B. Facts about relationships:
1. They both must grow.
2. They both must grow together.

C. Our Greatest days are Just ahead!

4. Follow-through (Always “comes through”, no excuses. Job delegated-job done.)

A. As a leader. my greatest need is to have those around me be able to take an assignment and finish It with excellence. If that does  not happen, the load is still upon my shoulders.

B. Diligence-“The attention and care expected or required of a person. A working hard; careful effort; ability to work  steadily.

1. The diligent person is a Finisher. Paul told Timothy, 2 Tim 4:6-7 “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of  my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”

2. The diligent person is Ready. Paul told Timothy 2 Tim. 4:2 “Be ready in season and out of season”.

5. Loyalty (The willingness to always put the leader and the Organisation above personal desires.)

A. Loyalty means-
1. That you want the one you serve to be blessed.
2. That the one you serve can trust you.
3. That you serve the way you have been asked.
4. That the authority of the leader is never usurped.

B. When a person has been given a task and then completes it properly, he has been Faithful. When a person honours the leader  and gives without self-serving motives, he has been loyal.

6. Perseverance (The ability to “bounce back” when problems arise.)

A. Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.

B. A trait shared by most winners.

7. Integrity (Trustworthiness. Good solid character. Words and walk are consistent).

A. Without integrity you do not have trust, and without trust you  have nothing.

8. Big Picture Person (The ability to see the whole Organization and compliment it.)

A. Two men laying bricks-1st one, I’m laying bricks. 2nd one, I’m building a Cathedral.

B. We all live under the same sky, but we don”t all have the same horizon.”

C. Catch the Heart of the Leader!

9. Discipline (The willingness to do what is required regardless of the mood).

A. The ability to do what you should do no matter the cost.

10. Gratitude (A humble attitude of indebtedness to God and others)

A. The instant we are born, we already owe someone for nine months of room and board.

B. 2Tim.3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

C. Nobleman in India. Servant stole gem & -killed his son. Nobleman forgave and restored him. Next time stole cup, executed for ingratitude.

A personal Bible study prepared by R. Forbush, missionary to Australia.