What’s in a Name?

Institute this in your life or your church, and you will be drawn to a different dimension of “knowing” God! Experience His glory through His names! You will find Him to be more than enough! Life has a way of crowding out our “God-time.” Why don’t you leave the hurry behind and just experience Him. Experience His names. Experience His presence. Seek His face through His attributes.

By Teri Spears

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The invisible thing called a “Good Name” is made up of the breath of numbers that speak well of you. -Lord Halifax


What’s in a name: That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.         -William Shakespeare


At our local church we have a quarterly children’s dedication. It is a special time for new parents or new Christians to bring children to the ministry to be dedicated to the service of God. I always do research on the meaning of the children’s names and give them a commission accordingly. In scripture, people believed that the most intimate knowledge of a person came through knowing their name and the meaning thereof. Some of the names of children today present quite a challenge!


A name is important. Our name is our identity, our distinguishing mark, our label, our tag.


So it is with God. Scripture says give God the glory due His name. We need to be able to do this properly. The Old Testament reveals many names of God that expose His character. They help us in developing our relationship with this invisible God. He has an intense desire to have an intimate relationship with us. Many people have lost the revelation of His majesty in the intimacy of really knowing Him and knowing His character. America does not truly understand majesty. We have never had a king or queen who ruled supreme—someone to whom all our loyalty was devoted. It is not part of our culture; so therefore, we have not understood the majesty of God.


A.W. Tozer said it well: “A condition…has existed in the church for some years and is steadily growing worse. I refer to the loss of the concept of majesty from the popular religious mind.” From our presidents, to our pastors, to ordinary people, the level of respect and awe for positions or fellow citizens as God’s creations has waned.


We need to recapture both the majesty and the intimacy in our relationship with our heavenly Father. In a world of broken relationships, fractured lives, and shattered trust, we have a hard time visualizing or conceiving the possibility of an absolute relationship, an unimpaired life, and complete trust; yet, that is precisely what we can find in Him. The key is in “knowing” Him You never trust a person until you know them.


The consistency of God’s character is in His names. His names reveal His power, His holiness and His dominion. This is why the Ten Commandments forbid the desecration of God’s name.


Oaths taken in His name transcended life spans. Victories were won under the banner of His name. Power was unleashed when prophets proclaimed His name. God is so great, so sovereign, it takes many names just to begin to conceive—grasp His character.

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