The “Parentreach” concept is a method to evangelize the parents of your bus children. The “Monthly Holy Ghost Sunday” or “Super Church Ministry” are methods to evangelize the bus children in the class room. Both approaches are highly effective. This month we will look at the first program and next month we will consider the second.
By Tim Massengale
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Why should your church consider launching a bus ministry?
Greatest single reason: souls. Bus ministry has proven to be a powerful method to win both children and parents. One pastor recently shared the following testimony. “Over the past twelve months we have seen twelve children saved as a result of our bus ministry. We have also seen two families begin attending and one of the parents recently received the Holy Ghost. We have been involved in bus ministry for nine years and no fewer than twenty people are in my church today as the direct result of my bus ministry. Would I do it again? In a heart beat.”
The children that ride our buses often have had no exposure to a church of any kind, much less a Spirit filled church. Our Sunday school provides regular opportunities for children to worship, pray and feel God as they have never felt God before. That is a life changing experience. It is in our Sunday school class rooms that these children become acquainted with the Bible, often for the very first time. After attending for three months we present them with their own Bible, often the only Bible in their homes.
One child excitedly took her Bible home and showed it to her mother. This mother began reading the Bible and soon had questions for the bus captain. A Bible study was then set up and today the entire family is in church.
Why have a bus ministry? It is a rolling reminder to your entire community that your church is there, that you are concerned for the lost, the welfare of children, and the spiritual needs of your city. Sadly today, many parents are indifferent to their own spiritual needs as well as the spiritual needs of their children. But we have discovered that within the heart of every child is a spark of hunger for God. Kindle this spark and it will grow into a flame. With a church bus stopping by their home, they can attend without their parents. Countless numbers of children are saved today as a result.
But It’s So Expensive!
The bus ministry is often attacked as being an expensive, nonproductive ministry. Many churches have sold their buses and given up their routes. How sad! They have succumbed to the proverbial problem of “throwing out the baby with the bath water.” Perhaps the problem lay not with bus ministry, but with how they were using it. When bus ministry becomes only a “numbers game” to increase attendance, it is destined to fail.
The reason why some have seen poor results from their bus routes is two fold:
1) They failed to evangelize the bus children in the Sunday school classroom.
2) They failed to evangelize the bus parents in the home.
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