Youth Census


The purpose of this Youth Census is to find the heartbeat of Whitehaven UPC. Our church will not be a strong church unless we, the Youth, show our strength and determination. We are the church of NOW (Now it’s our war). Our parents and pastor are expecting US to fill the ranks and step to the beat of God’s drum.

I hope that everyone will be willing to be involved with our church. There is so much we, as young people, can do.

You can start doing something by filling out the following Youth Census. It will be kept confidential with only Bro. Black, Bro. Trimble, and myself looking at your information. Please be honest with each answer you give. If you have a question, write it down and I’II discuss it privately with you.

1. (A) Have you received the Holy Ghost? yes no
(B) Do you still claim to have the Holy Ghost? yes no

2. Have you been baptized in Jesus Name? yes no

3. (A) Do you believe it is essential to your salvation that you  receive the Holy Ghost and be baptized in Jesus Name?  yes no maybe
(B) If maybe so, would you like to learn more about it, so that you  can make a definite decision? yes no

4. Holiness Standards:

(A) Are they needed? yes no maybe
(B) Are they confusing? yes no yes & no
(C) Do you know why we have standards in our Church? WHY?
(D) If you knew the reason why we have each standard, would it be  easier to adhere to? yes no maybe
(E) Please list the standards you don’t understand or just can’t  keep?

5. What is your idea of God’s Church? [What is it like?]
[Evangelistic, soulwinning, holy, etc.]

6. (A) Are you willing to devote yourself to the formation of this  Church? yes no maybe
(B) If no or maybe so, what are you willing to do?

7. (C) Would you teach the Youth Bible Study or other Bible Studies to  other young people like yourself? yes no maybe
(B) If no or maybe, would you teach after going through a training  session and assisting someone? yes no I’d think it over.

8. (A) Do you play a musical instrument? yes no
(B) What instrument?
(C) Would you consider playing in our church services? yes  maybe no way!
(D) How about in a band with time and practice? yes maybe  get outta here!

9. We are going to be having street meetings:
(A) Can we count on you? yes no I’ve got a job I’II get a job!
(B) Can you walk? yes no
(C) Can you smile? yes no
(D) Do your arms & hands function right? yes no If all answers were yes, you can pass out tracts! If all answers were no, we can still use you!

10. Do you sing solo’s? yes no I’d like to

11. Would you participate in a Youth Choir? yes I’II be a stick in  the mud!

12. Are you interested in attending Sectional, State-wide, and National Youth Meetings? yes no only if there are girls only if there are boys

13. Would you go on Weekend Retreats and fellowship with other UPC’ers like yourself? yes no if girls if boys

14. Speaking of Boys & Girls (Excuse me: Men & Women!)
(A) What are your views on dating? Please use the back of this paper for this because two lines won’t be enough space.
(B) Who’s the one you want to date? Pastor said I can’t do any match-making, so consider this a B e e p!
(C) If resource material was provided for this subject and other related subjects, would you want to read it? yes no you’re embarrassing me!

15. The ministry of this Church are very interested in what your GOALS in life are. If we know, we can try to give some assistance in helping you reach your dream.
(A) What do you want to be? (Please no BUMS!)
(B) Is college in your plans? yes no Which one(s)?

(C) Would you consider a year of Bible College training to  strengthen your values before entering into a secular college?  yes no maybe so

16. It has been suggested we have Youth Service on a night other than  Friday. Some other churches have tried this, but I want your  opinion.
(A) Friday’s? yea nay
(B) What day do you wish it on?

17. (A) What do you feel makes a good Youth Service?
(B) I, for one, feel that 100% cooperation is a good place to start. Can I count on you? yes no

18. We as the church of NOW (Now it’s Our War) should-not wait for  others to pass on. It is time for us to be a part of the Church  Body. Let’s not play church.
(A) Agreed? yes no
(B) What night is best for our prayer meeting? lhr, 2hr, all night
(C) Our Youth Fast Day should be held on what day, the first week of  every month.

19. We want to reserve the first 3 pews for the College & Career age – Junior High to sit in. Would you sit in this designated area yes  no.

20. (A) Do you have a car? yes no
(B) If not, who do you usually ride with?

21. (A) Do you have a job? yes no
(B) Where?
(C) Full time Part time

22. How do you think others view you?

23. (A) How do you view yourself?
(B) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be.

24. (A) I would like for us to be #1 in the state and nation on SFC  giving. Are you willing to work with me to be #l? yes no
(B) Do you have any ideas how we can do this?

25. How about the Youth challenging the rest of the Church with a  dinner, etc. going to the winners? Can we beat them? yes no

26. Bible Quizzing; are you interested? yes no

27. Bro. Black would like for the YOUTH to run their own Bus Route for  Sunday School. Would you be interested in participating in this  ministry? yes no maybe

The above material came from Whitehaven United Pentecostal Church in Whitehaven, Mississippi.

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